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About the Author: Admin


  1. Why keep him trapped? He clearly HATES it. He goes as far as insane ways to escape, and you keep taking things from his environment. At what point is it really Alcatraz? Would you keep a human in these conditions and call it anything but cruel?

  2. sooo..if that badger so smart it even think how to escape every time,,that means he know how bored it is just to stay inside captivity right??

  3. Stoffel and wife should be set free . He's already proven you can't keep him pinned down anyway . Just let him and his partner in crime go .

  4. this story is just a little too 'Shawshank Redemption' for my taste/ease … You go Honey Badger! … don't let the man keep ya down! … you go break some laws!

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