Jared's Blog: Turning A Creek Bed Into Food, Drone Crash

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Back on the small farm, Jared gets creative with where he can put in more food to hold more deer. It’s a great looking spot near a creek and natural funnel that should result in some good hunts in a few months.


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About the Author: Midwest Whitetail Daily


  1. I always enjoy Jared’s blogs?
    I ordered two, 2 acre bags of that big and beasty from frigid forage. My beans are less than stellar looking this year, planted late (wet), hoping to compensate with the B&B for late season food source.. First time trying.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Just a little advice, wrap your thumb under your chainsaw handle. Itll prevent the saw from coming out of your hand if you get kickback. Stay safe out there.

  3. Got to tell you that was some Hollywood type videoing. Cool. I have a quick question. In those small food ( poor man ) plot areas do you guys lime them? Or I'm assuming you guys already have done a soil sample so you know the PH already. Enlighten me.

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