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4:49 Hello pig, ROTFPMSL!
Hairy up.. quicka.. we need wuhtah.
2:38 interview? 😀
5:22 I’m a fan of the pluhies :3
8:31 dude: uh oh! Is upset
Other dude: leans in for that kiss
10:13 look at all those chickens ?
8:34 why does this dude look like shaggy Rogers from Scooby Doo?
I'd really jump at a chance to see my trampoline videos.
One time in a blizzard a trampoline rolled into our school grounds and smashed a window. I think someone tried jumping on it a day later because it was on the yard ?
I got very pissed at this one 13:15
5:26 lmao
Oh dear god 5:23
0:22 nope u didn’t
0:24 now u made a mess
Fat women. The most incompetent creatures on this planet.
0:48 Break pasta in two or three parts, ad water HALF WAY and your good.
0:35 it sounds like he says, "Oh my god I'm gay."
Too many of these are not fails.
I liked the diving board one lmao funny shit
6:53 — the family that has no grasp of physics . . .
I need water?
it's me again i'm wearin the same shirt because … eh eooowww
Fails You Missed ? iv been watching half this shit for the last 5 fecking years
1:29 BBQ people sound like the Flintstones!
When you finally discover your sexuality.
2:48 that smile ?