#rescuepuppy #rescuedog #dogrescue
@Rescue Homeless ‘Dead’ Dog On Side Of Road Lifts Her Head To Tell Woman She’s Alive
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@Obregon, founder of The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger” (TAO) rescue in Fort Worth, Texas. Judy Obregon was driving around Echo Lake Park in Fort Worth, Texas, an infamous dumping ground for unwanted dogs, when she saw a dog’s body lying motionless on the side of the road. “As I’m about to do a U-turn to investigate, I’m looking in my rearview mirror and see, all of a sudden, that her head lifts up.” Obregon doesn’t even remember if she finished checking for traffic before swinging the car around and rushing over to the dog…
@Credit: The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”
@You can donate to help “The Abandoned Ones “Saving Animals in Danger”” create a safer world for animals via and you can inquire about adopting: http://taoanimalrescue.com/donate/
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Rescue Homeless Puppy Attacked Hundreds Ticks Covered On Body: https://youtu.be/6qwi6oXceVI
Rescue Homeless Puppy, Sick & Starving Alone In Forest Have A Warm Place:https://youtu.be/aCzdUn_vGvE
God bless you! I’m watching this with tears in my eyes❤️
I’m happy this lady stopped and helped this helpless dog. It’s terrible when you know many people just drove past him and didn’t check to see if he was alive or not. I hate people who abuse animals in my opinion they should be shot period!! They have no soul just nothing but evilness. Thank you to those who helped in saving this poor dog. Now he can live out the rest of his life feeling safe, and know the feeling of love and happiness.
Thank you so much, good dog!!!
Thank you all for saving this gorgeous dog! Bless you life saviors! ❤️❤️?❤️❤️
Help to help is always better,love them ♥️♥️♥️?️
I love happy ending, especially when a dog has been abused❤️?✨
God bless the woman who stopped and DID SOMETHING to help this beauty!
She looks and acts a LOT like our sweet baby that we lost to brain tumors the day before thanksgiving. ALWAYS wagging and NEVER met a stranger. Came from an abusive situation just like Mercy. We had her for 5 WONDERFUL years before the tumors took over. Nothing like a sweet bulldog. NOTHING!
With all I have I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and as I often have to do, and keep my emotions in check.
Thank you for saving another fur baby!
Que linnnnddooo!!!
Obrigada por ajuda esse anjinho
whoever did that to that beautiful animal is an actual piece of garbage.
Doamne…de câtă iubire are nevoie…..
God bless you friend. You are a good person. Enjoy to that good girl. They are the best. ♥♥♥?
stop create more karma… if you don't love your pet(s) any more, please send them to the shelters or asking for help if someone could adopt them. Do not abuse them… they are one of innocence human.Hope Mercy find a happy home to live.thank you for harass her/him
You all are angels…. thank you for saving her!
It's amazing how forgiving these dogs ARE.??????
THANKYOU FOR SAVING the baby.?????
I totally love it. The lady's single act of concern brought so much love and strength into the lives of many.
Nice video