A sad and scared dog almost got a heart attack when he saw them!

A sad and scared dog almost got a heart attack when he saw them!
Spread The Viralist

This story could have ended in so many sad ways – this video will teach an important lesson!
We are a third of the way there with #TonyRobbins Matching Donation challenge: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/TonyRobbins – Every dollar you donate equals two!!! Please help us raise $50,000 by clicking on the link above.

Together we can do it and save many more lives.

So many people on Instagram suggested the name Puddles for this cute little dog and you just have to watch until the end.

To follow us on Instagram, please click here:

Thanks 🙂


#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #AnimalRescue


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  1. I love that Tony Robbins is matching funds for you all. Let's all donate something to help out Hope For Paws and all of the great work they do for dogs like Puddles ?❤️?
    EDIT: just made my donation. Super easy and only takes a min.

  2. me : ok im going to sleep now :
    also me : sees this video oh maybe just one more and after that i see another very intresting hope for paws video and thats the endless cycle….

  3. Yaaay! So few are reunited with owners, it makes me especially happy when they reunite with their humans. (and on this channel out of the many videos I've binged this is only the 2nd one where they were reunited with owners who actually missed their dogs)

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