Drone footage filmed between 2013 and 2016 shows the Ukrainian city of Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear facility. In 1986, the population of 50,000 people were evacuated after the reactor at the nuclear plant exploded.
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Amazing ??
Se n tivesse radiação eu moraria ai
Warface Pripyat Raid is right here, this whole video.
Just I imagine yourself being there alone without anyone
Whatُs the price of a lie?
50.000 pessoas viviam em pripyat mas hoje é uma cidade fantasma
This is basically City 17 after the Citadel exploded
What are the tower things at 3:50?
im here after call of duty.
Erangle 2.0 PUBG
I would love to see Chernobyl just to see and feel just sad what happened RIP to the ones who died
A dron flying over Pripyat
Shcherbina : Germans!!
So sad
I saw this is Social Studies
Did the drone get cancer and radiation poisoning?
"50.000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town"
I know this might seem a bit rude to ask but does anyone know the name of the music to this video? Sorry for asking ?
Half expecting zombies to pop out of somewhere
Look's like every other city in Russia
This is pripyat -_-
1:23 Soviet era communism propaganda
Sorry but this video is really make me realized human beings are not good for the earth . We are so over populated , but we are trying to control population about another .
100% did the drone catch a dead person
This reminds me of when I worked at this big cement plant which closed suddenly in 2008 during the economic meltdown and all the workers pretty much had to all leave in one day and they locked it up. 10 years later when I worked there they were opening one silo for storage but the plant itself hadn’t been touched in a decade. You could walk back there and see trees and vegetation growing through everywhere, everything once of color had turned grey and rusted, things people had been using were just left in the same place they’d been put down…like the whole place had been frozen in time.
I am here after the Chernobyl mini series, feels very ?
That drone now begs for a bullet.
Pripyat video exists
Did this almost make anyone else cry? Like if yes
Dream of USSR
Pripyat: exists
Reactor: im about to end this city’s whole career
Reminds me COD4 MW
If you are going here don’t go near the elephants foot please
I have one thing to say , It's so so beautiful drone images and the music in the back ground really told the story by heart.
3.6k like not great not terrible
This is actually so sad
I thought plants won't survive
This shows how man makes such a mess of this world.
The perfect apocalypse setting for a Great story
3:47 mylta power
Hi! What drone was used in capturing this amazing footage?
Amazing video. What drone was used for this ?
The only place where the ussr still alive