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It’s a busy time at two of the UK’s largest dog rehoming centres. At Manchester Dogs Home, fears run high for centre manager Lisa’s own dog Fraggle. In Harefield, a serious case of puppies with mange proves heartbreaking for key carers. And Charlotte bumps into Martin Freeman at the Dogs Trust Honours but will she get the nominated pets and their owners to the awards on time?
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Superb to sad which it was untrue!
Rest in peace charity im crying???
Faith hope and charity I cried on that one I wanted her to make it so bad I'm so glad her sisters made it. They are so pretty maybe charity just had finished what she needed to do and now she's playing up above to watch over her sisters. I love watching these shows I rescue in the US but it's wonderful to see the rescues all over the world and you learn something every time
Wai fragle was a bedlington I HAVE A BEDLINGTON I hope she doesn't catch a desease and these people are so kind and loving
1 like = one bone for charity Rip ??
I do really hope that they are having a proper chance to have a real life, so they not be put to sleep too early, and how the h..l can anyone don't SEE THAT THEY NED VET CARE? Pease a s..t, sorry but this makes me so angry and sad that I start to cry, why do humans think that they are the GOODS over every living creatures!
I don't know if you can do anything about this, but sometimes the music is too loud and drowns out the narration to the point it can't be heard.
God bless them for saving all those puppies
this is an angel to take these dogs and love them–wonderful lady!!
Omgoodness those poor puppy girls, so sad that precious Charity didn't make it. It would've been so nice to see all 3 get well, but thankfully Faith and Hope made it through and hopefully get a loving forever home.
It breaks my heart that Charity didn' t make it, but at least she knew love before her short life was over. Thank you for opening your heart to her.
You all guys our so kind and amazing lucky dogs love you all .
This video actually made me cry thank you sooo much for helping these dogs
I have a Lab-Hound mix named Buster and a pit-catihoula mix (don’t know if that’s spelled right) named Daisy
Who feels bad for them dogs
greyhound racing is very bad for the dogs
So does anyone else want to adopt this puppers at the beginning ✨?
I love this show! ❤️❤️
Who the heck did the sound mixing for this series, it's terrible!
Really good but music is too loud.
Rip charity
Like for a prayer for charity