A helicopter crashes into the sea whilst trying to get a closer look at the sharks! Caroline swims into save another lifeguard and gets attacked by a Shark… just another day on the Bay!
Watch Season 9 Episode 6 here ▶︎ http://bit.ly/BaywatchS9
هذا جزاء الكفار
100000 bay watch on are way
Oiahdbd did he 6sxnx d
the man in the water could never safe if shark would attack to him.
who has watched this fanciful film???
Now you know what to do folks when a great white is zipping toward you in the sea! You twat it repeatedly with your rescue can! 😀
That is nota real it fake
Vôces são os melhores
Way creppy
"and bouyant."
Hi,My Friend Saying the Video is Real,but i saying the Video is not Real.Please saying the Video is Real or not!?I can't sleep is very CRAZY!!!……..Sorry for my English I don't speak English??
Wo nice
Who drives the helicopter is trevor
Mucha sangre
Otima equipes
Guys never move if an shark is in water and u too never move
Ho lala
Hi love your videos
Than cnbfm
Es chebere
je n aime pas
She hit a shark and he run away haha