![Hogs Wild - Fighting the Feral Pig Problem - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Hogs-Wild-Fighting-the-Feral-Pig-Problem-Texas-818x490.jpg)
Feral hogs are running wild across Texas, at great cost to farmers, ranchers, and native wildlife. Hunters are helping, but science may prove critical to controlling the invasion on a broader scale. For more information on feral hogs and feral hog control, visit: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/nuisance/feral_hogs/
Please note that target-specific delivery and impacts to native species are part of the research. Results indicate that specialized feeders work and scavenging of affected carcasses is unlikely to produce harmful effects. Pesticides must be registered by the EPA for legal use, and this requires the science to demonstrate that prescribed use of baits would not threaten human safety or ecosystem health. Reducing feral hog damage to the ecosystem is the ultimate goal of this ongoing research.
more people are killed by hogs than sharks
Feed the poor program, these hogs can help.
Or show them a frying pan
This is what happens when u get rid of Mexican s there's not enough hogs for the tamales bring back the Mexicans you'll get rid of the feral s and you'll get fat this Christmas
All Texas red necks hunt hogs jajaja
me and my small kids succumbing to the 30-50 wild hogs in my backyard and learning to live with them
Have a hunting club get a massive hunt together and collect meat for the homeless shelters. They could invite people from all over the country to pitch in or purchase a hog for meat as a donation.
30-50 feral hogs
We should be rounding them up & selling them to China.
Trang trại heo rừng
One of my Dad's friends was showing us the damage hogs had done to his property. He had a large area that he would charge people to hunt deer. He only had doe permits. He thought he would charge us the same price to hunt those hogs. I told I'm not paying you to come hunt hogs when I can go to my Uncle's and hunt them for free. About 2 weeks later he called daddy said tell your kids they can come hunt hogs for free. It's crazy how much they want to charge you to come help them with their hog problem. I guess he found out no one was going to pay him to hunt hogs. Theirs to many farmers around here that will let you hunt for free.
Why do they charge so much to get rid of them? Hope they don't get ate alive. You know we'd come help get rid of them, but I'm not paying more than I can buy one in a sale barn.
why not capture the hogs and export them live to another country for sale of meat?
Carnitas any one.
AR-15 with a thermal scope is the way to do it
Why poison the hogs? The government can harvest the hogs and process these and sell as organic pork.
You can't poison only one species. Take all the money out of toxicant research and put it into bounties and subsidizing Hunters for the hungry. I primarily hunt deer and turkeys but take a pig any time I get a chance. We need to encourage hunting as much as possible before pursuing toxins
texas bbq bacon, bacon, baconnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!
I’d like to see 2 things happen. 1st, Harvest the food for hungry. 2nd, use the military to practice there marksman skills but only on federal land or farmers land that gives written permission with where, when, how many can hunt and any additional restrictions the farmers want. Why not let the military hone there skills, learn the use of there weapons and accessories (ie nite vision).
We wiped out the Buffalo with guns why not let folks pay to shoot them for a meat draw but make it affordable
It is a perfect way to feed people around the world that have no food, i know ranchers want them gone i get it i worked on a big Ranch in central Florida tons of Hogs, just saying it's a lot of food that is being wasted!
Bring in some wolves
Shoot and sell meat,just a idea
Kill them
Do you know how big of a market for Feral- wild hog in VN . People craves for it
Are there concerns about the uncertainty of the result of consuming hoggone on different pigs? Suppose the farmer later shoots a pig that had earlier ingested a "sub lethal" dose, is that pig then used for food? How would the farmer know that the pig had consumed a sub lethal dose after shooting it, and possibly before eating it?
Have they tried sterilizing the alpha males?
In the beginning it states that they spread disease. Anything dangerous to eating them?
Please don’t RUINS the feral HOGS, just pack them ALIVE and send in the Philippine mountain ranges and we keep them live there.
Send those feral hogs in the Philippines mountain ranges.
We care for them!!!
From Philippines
poison won't work,too dangerous to other species,including humans,
would you it pork if you thought it might have been poisoned,
shoot them…….
Maybe with all these hogs around we are eating them for bacon, rather than pigs.
for the love of god do not use 1080…
Quit complaining ..
Kill them
What I would do is get the USA army in and give them some live target practice and then they could take them back to camp and cook them up.
Maybe a barbecue would be better.
Armed Drones ??
The toxic kills are too dangerous long term.
There is not enough known about the chemical ramifications.
The only thing as bad as hogs are the big Pythons and Boas in Florida.
And they are headed our way in TX.
I've killed a bunch of hogs at 375 and 400lbs.