Daisy the pony came in this weekend, she will need lots of care due to overgrown hooves. Four new rabbits arrive on the farm, they come in for many different reasons and those we can’t find good homes for will remain here on the farm. Ralf the cat and Bobby the male goat have both found new loving families to care for them.
Tara, Tiana and I are so happy to hear that you are enjoying the videos and love to hear from you in the comments!
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What a good Guinea mom!!!!!
You do. An amazing job taking in and looking after all the animals
Shadow, Willow and Meadow did a sweet job relaxing the your new sad equine. So sad people don’t take care of their animals needs. The Guinea fowl gave Mark a big peck for taking one of her babies to show off. Goats make me laugh with their raising up and side charging. My best wishes for Daisy. She looked so sad but sweet. Mark you all have had a beautiful summer evening, can winter be far behind? I hope there is mor lovely summer days for you all. Take care. Enjoy.
Get the chickens to eat the larvae in the animal poop, spread it around near them and you won't have as many flies!
I love watching your videos
Don’t know where u guys r but here in North Texas we have the same problem
Thank you for choosing to do whats required for all these critters. It Ain't Easy !
Please tell me about all the white wire shelving ? materials. I've been looking for experienced opinions centered around desirable materials for building pens, hutches, ect.
Looks like you bought up a ton of clothing store fixtures.
I wish you breed sheep
For your flies try pennies in a bag of water then hang Idon't know if this works fairs do this to keep out the flies
Looking from Paris at 11:37 pm
This is a bit of a random question but,Have y'all ever milked your goats?
Perfect, I so look forward to your videos, lovely to see Tara today and loving Tiana’s Fantastic hat. It’s an absolute joy to watch you living the dream, lovingly looking after all your animal. Thank you for sharing ?
Wonderful video as always. Poor Daisy but she's in good hands. I'll miss Bobby, The baby keets are so cute. Would love to see you try and around them up. Love fernando!!!! Happy to see your keeping two of the baby goats. WIll miss the new cat. So you don't have a magic fly treatment?
People dont check befor getting animals How mutch work it is,and rabbinsk teeth need to be CUT if they dont Get the right enviroment so they can eat food that keep the teeth down?
Put Livai in the back whith the girls so he isn't alone
I get so happy when you upload 🙂
I'm so glad you all make a home visit before the animals go to their new homes. Awesome!
I am new I come from Gaspesie, Quebec
Ginger and Harvey for the rabbits
Excellent video x
I wish that you guys had a ram for the sheep
Shout out please
Nice drone work!
Daisy…Daisy…give me your answer true
I'm half crazy all for the LOVE of you ? ❤
Very entertaining video. So glad you have little Daisy. She really needs some TLC. Will miss Bobby, but at least he'll get some rest without Carl nagging lol. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
hi mark hi tera i m a big fan of u both i love u guys.u both r so nice.will wishes from pakistan.
Im 13 and i rescue animals
The baby keets are cute. Daisy's hooves really need a good trimming. Gonna miss seeing Bobby on the farm. I love the playtime with Carl and Billy.
Hey tara what is not good for goats and have ye ever got spat at by the alpacas
Great Video As Alway’s!