Show of the Week: New Games for 2017 and Our 19 Hardest Fails of Last Year

Show of the Week: New Games for 2017 and Our 19 Hardest Fails of Last Year
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While the shiny new year gathers speed, Show of the Week looks ahead to some of the exciting new games for the first half of 2017, and also back in the rear view mirror at our most memorable gaming fails of the year just gone. Subscribe for this show every Friday:

Highlights include Mike failing a Hitman mission seconds from the end because he can’t resist doming an innocent bystander with a marble bust, and Jane managing to be eaten by a bear during a zombie apocalypse. That takes some doing, I can assure you.

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  1. The worst thing about the overwatch one is that lucio can heal himself and they technically could have saved themselves with a wall ride

  2. Hang on a minute! Mike and Andy talking about bloopers, Mike walks off stage left towards the couch, but it's Andy who then appears with Jane on the couch! Nice subtle blooper guys.

  3. ghost recon has been using drones for a long time. for example future soldier which was released in 2012 already had two different drones, a normal drone for scouting out enemy positions and a drone with a grenade launcher.

  4. First the Cake in the Easter egg video and now toast in the Show of the week… is its Jane's new years resolution to eat in every video this year?

  5. The world's going to sh*t, 2016 killed some of my favorite celebs & my team just lost the playoffs.. but you guys are as awesome as ever. Thank you, Oxbox!

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