New – Eighty-first episode of Moto Moments.
I would like to show you my motorcycle edit with full of interactions and reactions to road traffic.
I created it by combining a number of road traffic scenes. These videos take few days of editing to create. All of my videos are created with one purpose in mind. To ride safe!
My channel is focused on creating content about motorcycles, from reactions to analysis videos, reviews, ending explained videos, theories and everything in between.
A video qualifies as fair use if it juxtaposes source material in a new or unexpected way for the purposes of critique, commentary or education.
Submit your video: http://bit.ly/motostars
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Moto Stars Shirts and Hoodies: https://bit.ly/2AtYTQT
1 ScatPack Miller – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZLTZ-9XKGPuaCbV-qoz2IA
2 People Media – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIG_J9I5QZwtDl0mswDl5UQ
3 Soniik Rides – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChI-zVeJNxuurY35XP91UUg
4 Selufex – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHiOv7xRxpwdIxYkeUUqBTQ
5 Burnzy Boy – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJDRXaIxsnJaHU50ngrITOQ
6 My Motorcycle live – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFPr4bSxXEjM02IkC1lFPlA
7 Sv650 Scooter – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm3ZLGXPYmtTIHqPydYI0XA
8 Faž – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXP7Lwt6JxgT8ERoJ0ERQ2Q
9 Joe Mac – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIOp8RNXTfmjDKEnZnPO1Hg
10 BARROYASFALTO MUD&ASPHALT – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX4SWAwgCCQgc0c3NNq4x0A
11 ChewSuperFour – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYdsQBKBe4AkGB-iQIMjghw
12 boyan t – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_k-G2HuSxGfnNV8kRe0KGA
13 Mazing A.J. – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXt6qHjVDK-_RTjPBYOz-wA
14 Z Garage – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC0_Iuw1QsxaQlwjHeHSc8g
15 IRIG RIDES – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOX7J-UcpZrBJHWAQum9Bg
16 sWish3R T – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3h1OCQxCSRqzBAV0FiwnLA
17 Uchiha ShadoW – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0m5UesDjIDZC7hD3cJYfTg
18 Lwg Ekipa – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUxEGPY03rIojCMkSI-0Fkg
Any scenes were used with permission of their original creators.
We have purchased (written) licenses for:
Intro: blowinbox – Yakuza
Outro: akoahimusic – Feel the Freedom
All videos on this channel should be used as a learning tool – This channel is all about educating and teaching(how to ride safe on a motorcycle). Drive and Ride Safe! All content featured on this channel is used with original copyright owners permission.
Ive almost done thst on my enduro but was to afraid lol
Motorcycles are not dangerous I have one my self as when I ride responsibility and keep my distance from other cars I don’t cut people off I always have enough time to break to check my mirrors and turn quickly I don’t do tricks when there is traffic. But I see people almost killing them self on motorcycle making responsible riders insurance go up like crazy here in canada for a 600 cc I have to pay $500 a month and that is with a new bike and clean record and when I ask why they tell me because there are a lot of accidents in high speed motorcycle like 600cc get something lower like 300cc but still cost $200. ? please riders ride responsibly one so in a far future we can pay cheaper insurance and 2 because as a rider I don’t want other riders to die or get hurt it is so easy to avoid all this close calls
R they drunk
"U ok bro" "Yeah" Runs straight to the bike
1:50 What
8:52 | This is what you came for. (i think)
Polacyyy! 9:40
3:10 عربي من جماعتنة يقول لا حولة ولا قوة الا بالله ?????mslm
Good me❤
3:15 я думал он за парня переживает, а он за железяку. Парня жалко.
1:16 no abs
A lot of these were riders forgetting they were riding
Common error
0:42 fucks wrong with this retard…he shouldn't ride!
Little TOO fast little TOO much Alcohol and Weed
When you ride the kick stand is in the UP position not Down Stupalito Imbalacitos
Did some of these guys handle bars lock up or something?
3:13 هاذ عربي مو
I was hoping the guy at 9:00 would crash. Dumb ass hole. Ive noticed, from watching videos like this, that nothing is ever the rider’s fault. Even though when they wreck they’re driving like ass holes beforehand.
I love the bike community but some of y'all are just plain terrible riders and idiots.
What is happening to the people who just seem to slide out or fall over when going along? An example is 5:00 , they don't seem to be going excessively fast.
hort funk
Me at 8:50
Ano kayo pilling ibon gustong lumipad
6:24 I dont know if he’s laughing or crying lmao
Looks like a lot of newbie Riders to me?
What's the song at the end?
0:05 ohh so motorcyclists never run too fast and it's always the other's fault or ..? ????
Bikers: extremely low IQ
9:00 that was awesome but also very risky too at the same time
Loving this channel bro, one love ride or die
I feel for all the people in the video. I crashed on saturday ( july 6. 2019) and will be able to ride in september again…
d0 yah mah hah drivers crash more than anyone else or what ?