PART 2 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xmGX_VUCU8 ( Birds, Ducks & Geese edition )
When animals attack humans PART 1 : Raccoon edition – Funny animal compilation
The reports are coming in from all over the world, the raccoons are fed up with our human ways and are attacking us. To be honest, most of these clips are self induced, which is usually the case when animals attack people. It will also give you some funny moments and laughs though! Stay tuned for more cute pets, the best vines, cute dogs and cats.
There are a lot of people making videos, Life Awesome, Tiger Productions, CoVines/CoViners etc, help me become better than the competition by leaving a comment with your feedback! Stay tuned for the best funny video compilations, cute animals, funny fails and bloopers.
This is Scrubby abuse
Told ya so hope
1:31 – It Was At This Moment That He Knew He ? Up!
00:58 that raccoon perforn an assasion's creed kill
What fool tries to let or hand feed a wild raccoon?
Damn the first man was like get out ……….. Racoon growls……….. Man slips ……………………………… Racoon sacred the shit outta him .????????????
when you forget to pay yout debt
This possibly could be already said
1:19 oh you Mofo, tries to pet wild racoon
Just punch it problem solved
Rocket has to lay off on the drugs man.
People are so chill about being attacked, mind you these pests have rabies. RIP
In the first clip the raccoon came back like "wait hol up…u think im a bitch!!" Got me over here dying laughing????
My birds died yesterday because my mom left them outside for the night and I found out today ;(
the first guy was so fucking scared lol ^^
Beast Girl Kratt: "(Giggles) I'm Gonna Go On The Haunted Hayride For The First Time In October Of This Year And I'm Gonna Wear My Overall Shorts And It's Gonna Be Really Spooky And Fun And I'm Gonna Get Pink Cotton Candy On A White Cotton Candy Cone And I'm Gonna Get My Face Painted As A Vampire And My Twin Brother And Hayley Leblanc And I'm Gonna Get Really Scared And I'm Gonna Scream In Fear At The Top Of My Lungs And I'm Gonna Pee My Overall Shorts And My Long Hair Is Gonna Stick Up On End And It's My First Time On A Haunted Hayride Because I've Never Been On A Haunted Hayride Before And It's Hayley Leblanc's First Time On A Haunted Hayride Too Because She Has Never Been On A Haunted Hayride And After The Hayride And We Go And See The Glowing Stick Men And I've Been To Lake Farm Parks Three Times And Hayley Leblanc Has Never Been There Yet! ??????⛸️❄️!"
0:41 killed me
Remember, we are giant apes with heaps of muscle. If a raccoon charges at you, use your big ass steel-tipped boot to pop a cap in it's face. If you do it hard enough, it should break a lot of shit.
If that fails and it latches onto you, we have things called arms, opposing thumbs, and an adrenaline rush. Use your big ass primate arms to rip it off you and slam it into the ground with tremendous force. You would be surprised how much damage you can do to your enemy, regardless of the pain you feel.
?You killed Groot!!!!
If you're gonna be stupid enough to put your hand out to a wild animal at least put some thick ass gloves on.
I prefer Sly Cooper thank you very much.
I've come to the conclusion that raccoons are in fact evil
1:39 got me
0:16–0:18 ???
1:30 Who thought their phone/computer crashed?
0:40 why is santa Claus being filmed getting bitten by a racoon without a shirt on?
A raccoon was biting wants
Lol the one jumped out the tree
When animals come back to attack
Mostly white people are attack by Raccoons in this video lol
What the hell do these people expect?? Just because they're cute doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. They don't know how to gently accept food they just chomp
Where's Kevin Rose when you need him?
Is this the low-IQ version of "Charlie bit my finger"?
bruh, raccoons are nocturnal, if they're out during the day then some shit ain't right
1:32 It was at this moment, he knew, he f'ed up
1:30 it was that this moment that he knew he quacked up
A little thrown off by how lagging very single vid was. Must’ve been ripped at least 4 times from other sources.
I cant watch
Why the fuck would anyone hand feed a racoon?
Fuckin trash pandas
They will kill you James Bond style dont try killing the raccoon
It's not so friendly and funny if the raccoon is rabid and the person needs shots for rabies after been bitten.
Lowkey if I saw a raccoon attack me I’ll kick the shit to the next street and I don’t like hurting animals ???
Rocket having a really bad day…