Women Fighters | Chloe Bruce KUNG FU ☯ People Are Awesome: Taekwondo Martial Arts Edition Training Fighting Woman Girl Hot Chick Pretty Sexy Yoga Tai Chi Kick Ass Women! TKD Tae Kwon Do Best Woman Fighter In The World Tribute Next to Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen IP Man, Cynthia Rothrock, Scott Adkins Yuri Boyka Undisputed, Dragon Fighters Full Tribute 2017 Greatest Styles Ever. Jeet Kune Do Wushu Wing Chun, Kyokushin Karate Shotokan Hapkido Rare Secret Old Footage Training Regimen Workout Motivation Fitness Skill Technique, Power Speed Agility Prowess Martial Art Kung Fu Shaolin Fighting. Uncut Unrated Rare Videos By Javier Vargas TV! – (youtube.com/forenzikproductions)
Women Fighters | Chloe Bruce KUNG FU ☯ People Are Awesome: Taekwondo Martial Arts Edition!
If they ever make a movie about Cynthia Rothrock's life, Chloe could play young Cynthia. They both have a "Scorpion Kick", though it's not done the same way
Chelteot ☯
Just Fancy moves rest is myth?
This kicking in the air repeadetly looks so dumb… and useless.
thats pritty damn amazing 🙂 she has good speed I doupt I could block her kick in the temple but I can see and feel by watching this that she has a frear of something
But, always remember. It’s not the art, it’s the warrior.
From one martial artist to another, respect is given from me to you and other dedicated practitioners. I’m currently studying the art of Taekwondo and I really enjoy it. It’s given me a foundation I can build upon. I’d like to soon learn Wing Chun, BJJ, Boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, KFM, and maybe Judo. I can imagine myself getting older and walking down the streets. Some younger guy come up to me, thinking because I’m old I cannot defend myself. What that person doesn’t know is that he’s lost as soon as he had a motive. I hope to one day teach my children, especially if I have a daughter. This is valuable knowledge for life.
Oh my 0.0
Why do you have to hurt the tree?
Wanna mess with her? Trust me, you'll get a instant regret.
Ma femme c est Bruce lee + la fille dans l exorcice ! Pauvre de moi
For any who might not know; when you are watching Daisy Ridley being awesome in the Star Wars movies, there is a good chance you are actually watching Chloe Bruce. Chloe Bruce is Daisy Ridley's stunt double. Same for Zoe Zaldana in Guardians of the Galaxy.
She jumps all around and I'm supposed to be impressed. NOT .
Just a gymnast Doing silly shit .
Nice but can she fight? I've been to many tournaments and the ones doing the fantastic feats of strength and shows wasn't able to fight that well.
why use mercenaries world in flames music? XD
Don't see either ever being able to defend them selves but getting them both naked would be cool.
I just busted 10 nuts! You owe me a keyboard
She is my wife to be so please becareful what you say she will teach me some good moves
please kick my ass while wearing those yoga pants ooooooo
Wonder how many guys dicks shes broke. lol
I'd be lying if I said this didn't turn me on a little.
Some woman fear the fire some Woman simply become it. Excellent video??
Her body control is superb. Even unbelievable and her actor background make it also look soo daarn cool. Even if thats not enough how she handle the Bo, is awesome. She's my inspiration to push my training further.
that flexibility man……
Chloe is NOT a fighter…
her kicks will not hurt a puppy dog.
Ok, I'll have sex with you, but just don't hurt me.
This, this, this, this,this. You said, say "THIS", five times fast.
She might not be a real fighter that's true, but I would bet money if you mess with her she would kick your thoughts out of your head on Sunday & you'll wake up on Monday with a head ache.
بنام خدا و با سلام خدمت شما
انسان وقتی حرکات نمایشی و رزمی را میبیند حال میکند برای تمام ورزشکارها آرزوی موفقیت میکنیم
brava 3lik
Yes she looks good, great flexibility, super rehearsed sequences and good tricking. Fighter, no. There is definately something else when it comes to a moving fighter who wants to break your bones. There is a place for Chloe, in the ring is not one of them.
Go Girl! You are amazing!
this women is Legend ….
one of a kind
ma cosa ti fumi all matino?????
man hot girls lol
is she real fighter ?? in MMA or something like that
Can't find any record where she fought anyone. Kind of strange. Just posses, never fights.