Our NEW Office Has Cute Puppies | South African Entrepreneur

Our NEW Office Has Cute Puppies | South African Entrepreneur
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►Our NEW Office Has Cute Puppies | South African Entrepreneur
• Matt and I moved into our new office, so I decided that an office tour was in order. We also have two very cute puppies who will be making a featured appearance throughout theses videos. I can’t get over how small and adorable they are.

Welcome to our small business and entrepreneurial journey.

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About the Author: Warren Bright


  1. It's a lovely space, Warren…and yes those puppies are so freaking cute but those mugs fit the vibe of the space so well and uh just wonderful.

  2. Awesome bro! Love the office. I'll definitely have to pop in for a 'business' meeting (a coffee is good business) when I'm in the mother city! Cheers from Durbs!

  3. Nice video bro. Office space looks amazing too! Nice to see you want to run your own business it's just so much better that way and more fun!

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