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About the Author: Machine Eye


  1. Not sure who would be satisfied with this; unprotected workers on dangerous ancient machines in cluttered sweatshops. I suppose it's better to see how stuff gets built in China rather than having this image of Chinese high tech.

  2. Ролик о том на каком г… и в каких условиях китайцы делают экономическое чудо. А мы потом это все покупаем на Али и жалуемся, что у нас все плохо и многие живут за чертой бедности. Зато четырёхдревную рабочую неделю хотим ввести…

  3. Obviously that chick's first day welding. She'd be completely blind and unemployable within a week, probably ready to gouge her eyes out, withering in pain. Slow clap for shithole countries and how they treat their workers.

  4. No point in showing us snippets of unsatisfying machines that go up and down; round and round; in and out. We are more interested in the whole process of what the machine does.

  5. Interesting footage but these poor workers are taking too many risks, I watched most of vid shaking my head and tutting! I am British though so it’s my default setting?

  6. Хуита какая-то.
    Заниматься сваркой без защиты глаз это вообще долбоебизм. Как глаза не зажмуривай через полгодика ослепнешь.

  7. Руки бы оторвать за такую нарезку… И той дуре в прозрачной маске с полуавтоматом не мешало бы…

  8. It is a joyful thing seeing so man people working in dangerous working conditions where they will eventually lose their fingers, hands, feet and eyesight.

    It is a testament to the beauty of Capitalism.

    I particularly enjoyed the young woman welding the garden ornaments using an arc welder without UV eye protection.

    No doubt she is now blind and the capitalist she worked for very happy that she gave her eyesight to provide him with some money.

    God bless unregulated Capitalism.

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