he atacc
he protecc
but most importantly
he discover blacc
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Proud SHIROSUKI members ?
? SA Qun, The Blakk Vulture, Soumya Dasoju, Reacathleen GP, Amit Shukla, Jessica M, ken yang, Susan Prior, kay-leigh kilpatrick, Caroline, Jilhyun Koo, Shamik Chaudhuri, jax clash, Mario Man, Thomas Dwiatmoko, jessica houle, VNA-Skyfive, Librarian Of hope, IrvingPlayzYT Carmona Roblox, calambanga, J E, NoodlesMama, Tran Hoang Ngan, Justin Lam, Doggo doge
he atacc
he protecc
but most importantly
he wants to payback
I wamt potats, so squishee ❤️
I wish i had a pretty dog like suki
He renamed himself dinnerbone that’s all
When will potats get to explore the outside world?
Access denied
I had a jacket potato for dinner ????????
Hiro chooses paybacc bery effectib
1:14 wise potat draws distinction between magicc and triccery
stranger things theme plays but it’s played by the taps of da potats
Honestly I have watched this one 20 times maybe more idk. Still can't get enough of these fluff bols?
That cute pupo is upside down!
Super cute… some of those captions are on point too lol
Aw I they so cute I’m a new sub I love the potats what a smart potat when my two year 9ld dog still thinks he is a cat..
2:28 Should I Stay or Should I Go starts playing in the background
I would watch Stranger Potats on Petflix starring Millie Puppy Brown,Finn Shibehard,Caleb Mcshiba,and Gaten Puppyrazzio
Are any up for adoption????
Much floof
Cringiest thing I've ever watched dude. Damn
Screw the area 51 raid, let's all do our part and find this house and squish Dem potats, WHOS WITH ME?!
boopjitsu and wresslingo are my favorite sports
2:42 iz wen the potat on left tries to bite bro potat’s nut off. Plz fren no bit bit
He's a wizard!!
They r sooo cute, I want one
They’re so chubbers! ? I wanna hug them but I can’t .-.
Where r the orthers ? potatos
The pee pee is really funny I repeat it many times hahahaha
I want those puppies
Dat upside down potat did me a fascinate too ☺️?
I want my own potat (。┰ω┰。)
kai: hecc fren teach me how to do that
hiro:i told you no trick…
hiro: u know wht?
kai: what?
hiro: maybe daddo was correct.. he's mm not my fatho.ghehhehhee
kai : then who?
hiro: spiderman ?????
Wow they are so stroncc. Teenage mutant ninja Potats!
Whoever disliked is doin me a headache and is a butthole ????