BEST top5 big wave NEAR DEATH CAPTURED+DEATH devil tear lembongan bali,Detik2 Turis Diterjang Ombak

BEST top5 big wave NEAR DEATH CAPTURED+DEATH devil tear lembongan bali,Detik2 Turis Diterjang Ombak
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Best of NEAR DEATH CAPTURED and DEATH 2018-2019 captured in camera
accident can be happen in 1second in here so be careful

share to your friend in facebook and tell them.beware when go to beach with big wave or place like devil tear in bali lembongan!!
write your coment below what we can do to prevent !!

17agustus again tourist die when selfie link below

kecelakaan bisa terjadi hanya 1 detik seperti di video diatas.berhati2 kalo jd liburan ke tmpt ombak gede…
share di facebook biar semua pada bisa ati2 setelah melihat kecelakaaan divideo .semoga tidak ada lagi yg kecelakaaan …

Kejadian terbaru 17agustus turis meninggal


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About the Author: ebinz bintan


  1. wow, enjoyed the place so much, it turned to be our favourite place at nusa lembongan but had no idea that it could be so dangerous. Everyone – be extra careful and enjoy the waves from a reasonable distance

  2. Don't worry. The place is 98% annoying Chinese tourists coming in their huge 1-day group tours from Bali. If some wash into the rocks or out to see it's no big deal. Oh God they made me mad when I was there recently. They hog every possible good picture spot and then substitute others in from their family or the group over & over & over while you stand there waiting like an idiot to get one shot in ( just Mom & Dad, Mom & Dad and the kids, just Dad with the kids, just Mom with the kids, just the kids, uncle with the kids etc. etc). F _ _ k them! I miss the old days when China was poor and there weren't groups of dozens to hundreds travelling together en masse and ruining every place they go to. I wish a wave would wash dozens of them over the edge.

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