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Help Sunshine here:
Posted by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC on Monday, August 12, 2019
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Posted by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC on Monday, August 12, 2019
Other Sources:
BoredPanda: http://www.boredpanda.com
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
★★★Most Inspiring Rescue Stories ★★★
1 – Rescue Poor Puppy Covered by Thousand of Ticks And In Severely Malnourished,
2 – Rescued Street Dog – Unbelievable Transformation
3 – Rescue A Poor Abandoned Dog On Street
4 – Puppy Hit By Car Crying In Pain
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here we will remove them. please contact us at: dogrescuetm@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
All images belong to its respectful owners
No copyright infringement is intended.
She passed away ?
I feel physically sick, angry and distressed after seeing this. What the hell is wrong with these monsters?! Please, let this beautiful creature live
I do hope this beautiful baby makes it. I also hope she has soft blankets and someone with her to give her comfort. Please update asap.
Is the dog alive? Why isn’t someone with it comforting it? Why would you lie it on a hard cage with out some comfort? Why don’t you answer everyones plea for an update?
The owner should be in jail at least 5 years . HELL IS WAITING FOR HIS OWNER!!!
The hell is wrong with the person who did this I want that person to be sentenced their life in jail
so what is her status now is she improving or did she not make it would love to have an update video and then also what's repercussions the owner is facing
Give this dog water it needs water give it water you pathetic people are just as evil as the owner is we want an update we want to see you giving this dog water and taking care of it it is just laying there dying you evil people how dare you do this to that dog no water at all it's dying of thirst it's sticking his tongue out is so dry and thirsty give it water
We want an update on this dog do the right thing be shut down will boycott you into where you cannot take care of any animals at all this dog is not showing any treatment give it water give it water what is wrong with you people take care of this animal it's laying there dying give it water give it food given an ivy take care of it you're just leaving it lay there till it passes on you people don't deserve to get any donations from anybody we will boycott you.
Someone said she died,you have to find the owner,she could have survived if she hadn't been tied up,she could have got away.This is not right.They must be charged.
Any news ???? ?
Such cruelty is awful?
Why have they not placed her on a thick blanket to cushion her poor bones?!
I would have thought she also needed an intravenous drip?
I hope those responsible for her condition are severely prosecuted ?
Oh mon Dieu c'est cruel de voir ce pauvre chien maigre,alors que les passant des rues ne lui ont pas donné de quoi manger ,c'est trop injuste ??????????????????????????
Please plaster the names of the perpetrators everywhere and make sure they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Please keep us posted regarding this angel’s condition.
Send the veterinary bill to the perpetrators.
PLEASE LET US VIEWERS SEE HOW SHE LOOKS TODAY. Or.did you just lay her on that horrible wire rake?? Why not stop the taping a d FEED HER!!!
Dios mìo… còmo pudo estar asì este angelito precioso… Dios bendito què pasò con èl ???
The dog should have an IV drip.
Direct Action!
Don't you have a soft bed to put this poor dog on instead of wired cold cage? This dog is skin and bones..a dog bed is not that expensive or even a blanket. What kind of a rescue is this? Shoot the fucking owners. This is no justice for a abused animal
Whoever did this should rot in hell and die for what they did. Who would do this to a beautiful innocent dog piece of shit person did this.
please recover sunshine! ?
Poor precious soul has gone to the Rainbow Bridge…she is in God's hand now … ?
Vengence is mine, sayth the Lord. I only wish He would allow me to help!!
They should lock the owners to a tree and leave them there for two full weeks with not water, food or shelter.
Bless you beautiful soul ?❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pobre peludo ??cuanta maldad hay dios mio y siempre con los mismos ,ya esta bien ,ojala se recupere pronto ,mil gracias a todos?????
What was the out come,? this is very disturbing .?????
this is Sunshine. she died today 8-14-19 …. she was sourrounded by strangers and shown love for the first time in her life. please write to the person who can charge the ""owner"" with starving her to death. i believe there were also 3 other dogs pulled form her home. this is evil plain and simple /she sat in her house and watched her everyday starve to death. no food or water or shelter. she needs to be in jail… i will get the email and put it down please write politely and ask them to file the maximum charges possible. thank you and fly with angels sweet sunshine….
Rest in Peace Sunshine. We can only be grateful that she was surrounded by those who cared for her. May justice be brought to those who did this to her. If you want to write an email on her behalf, in request that full justice is brought to the monster who starved her into this condition, check the post on Facebook via the description on this video.
Pido disculpas!!! Pero en esta bandeja de rejilla de horno da muy mala impresión, podrían ponerlo en una toalla ,manta o empapador no? Por favor stop de utilizar estàs imagenes basta ya!!!!!!!!
That poor girl only true low life monster's could do something like that to her. I hope she's strong enough to make it you can see how scared she is poor girl
Intolerable… Lamentable… ?????
Just…….. why????? Poor Sunshine, I hope she pulls through x
Save her…please