Ghost caught on video on bank security ATM drive-though camera.This is my latest ghost video in a series of ghost videos. Hopefully you enjoy this scary Ghost video. If you do, please like and share. I will be putting more Ghost videos out very soon! Paranormal Activity is happens, and Ghosts in the world are very real. Watch all of my scary ghost videos for free here on youtube anytime. Also, watch “The Haunted Amityville Series” here on this channel.
“The Haunted Amityville Tapes” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7BI55rch44i78Op4xdLy3gzj-Txz445t
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MY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/toxicghostvideo
why do i feel like these are fake except the amityville one?
That looks like an enderman from minecraft.
that is so freaky
love your videos
wow! What was that?
tanck you
I saw a real ghost in my house one time he was holding my pillow.
wow friend you are amazing psichic am very young I Like all your videos and would like you to send me a greeting when you upload a new video
That looks cool!
is thir any more ghost huting you
why does the same ghost figure shows up everytime in your videos because i have been noticing for a couple of days
q momtaje men…kkkkk…bota algo q valga la pena.
SCARY! It went through the wall. Can't wait till the next one! When will you be back at your haunted house? Cool vid.
wow scary
Black Figure walking thew the wall so creepy. And why haven't you video of your house when rin show up?
nice movie toxic. gretings from sweden.
Creepy and cool. But where is the Amityville series i'm following?
dang toxic bro why do you always have ghost or demon or shadow ghost watching you..did you do something mean to them
wow .o my god
hay toxic you are currently in europe?
I love your ghost videos. I really love things to do with ghosts and the Paranormal
Hey guys! I will be bank very soon with another new GHOST video from my ongoing haunted series. For now here is another random ghost video!