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Fb: Michelle Kulczyk (Mechee X)
Instagram: Mecheex
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Email: therealmecheex@gmail.com
P.O. Box 110674
Aurora Co. 80042
A black man letting a white man have anal sex with him is no man I am bound to listen too
Maurico and Micca Johnson—-my heroes !!
A AK 47 will take your Muthafuckin hand off I don't believe that the officer was Shot in the Hand by a AK 47 and he's walking around with a Handkerchief on his hand and A Another Police just happened to have some Betadine on Him , Bullshit !!!!, I was in the Military 11BInfrantry and I know What A AK 47 Will Do. And They All just got Grased?? You can shoot Bildfolded And MUTHAFUCKAS Gonna Get Killed Not Graced. I believe that this shit Was Staged , And He Gets to Walk out Without being Killed??? SHIIITED !!!
The government, police, white nationalist, etc need to be DESTROYED! Wiped out completely!
Let those prisoners out….they are no worse than who put them in prison,….
Can't wait until you get to Houston MecheeX
@meechiex you will like this story, back in 2011 in Baltimore I was caught with my ar 15. Shot gun and my 45. I got arrested however I knew a cop at the precinct he did not fingerprint me, he miss entered charges and didnt take my mugshot. This doesnt happen with is often this is why I only got probation.
Mechee it is police prerogative to issue mog shots to press.
You know what Meech, it's always been that kind of spirit in Philly, we have always been salty toward the police because they have treated black people like shit! So Im not mad at Maurice! Glad they are protesting, I have too as a teen….yes that mental illness excuse should be used for him too!!!
We are our worst enemy. We need to wake up. Your right
Can't wait to meet you, Mechee, at the Black Agenda Tour D.C.
That is one thing that black people tend to do play to many games it's time to get serious That's why ..my circle is small cuz of it mechee is with us can you see through the mf line this is know game black people until shit hit the fan then you off running yelling
Mechee X for President.
Even if you have an old landline still…they plan to just turn those off one day without any notice. Being digital is just like WiFi…flip the switch and nobody has TV, Computers, Cellphones, Cash Registers, ATM's nothing. Executive Order 13603 National Defense Resources Preparedness is what Mechee is talking about. Everything Mechee is saying is true. In my rural hometown, they training and programming people right now.
In Boston, they went into people's houses during "martial law" after that marathon incident. You have no rights anymore. We don't have any now. Just a facade.
I had to take a break from these statistics. My hands curled into fists and my knuckles became white! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!
As a student of Sociology, I can say that you are seriously flawed and biased in your conclusion! You really should study the events that lead up to the police encounter. Since you're talking about statistics, here is an actual one… A 13% black population commits close to as many homicides as a 64% white population! Now that is an alarming fact.
That's right Meechee. We love your truth and honesty. Fuq those terrorists. Running up in peoples house they all need to be lit up.
This is how a Person can get down in your pants. If your pants or shorts has a elastic waistband, the person grabs it with one hand, quickly use the other hand to go down, deep down. They also can pull your pants down.
I swear YouTube delays your broadcast consistently….