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#dota2 #funnymoments
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS: https://clik.cc/nl0ts ✅ ANDROID: https://clik.cc/n0lQy Start with?50K silver and get a Free Epic Champion ? on day 7 of “New Player Rewards” program
1:57 de nada
More like fails of the month.
Like 1/5th of the video is an ad
How many subscribers on Patreon to get rid of those terrible adverts?
in video advertising? … booooo 🙁
Pa last clip
That is not farmed slardar, that is farmed and lucky PA dagger
so no ones gonna talk about the grimstroke buying a maelstrom at 5:58
nicewan on the vfx
7:55 Jilat means lick.. Lick who? Wtf!!
I love the interaction we get to see between video editor and hosts.
Anyone who still drop their items during regeneration doesn’t know how the ? works,.
Ya que no hay el crrano de los minutos tendré que ayudarlo mientras no esté
1:58 thank me later ?
Sunsfan i know you need the money, but fuck your mobile trash.
Hashsah I had the best fun from this…. Never laughed so hard for quite a while. Thanks dudes!
SHADOW FRIEND? FRIEND??? literally unplayable
very bad game your add
5:42 That's cinematic af
I understand needing sponsors but really, come on a shitty mobile game. Your emails must be barren of sponsorships if your willing to go that low.
the sfm is actually sick neil, very cool
It was a PA Crit at the end
So disappointed my clip wasn't on here 🙁
самый первый чел с ником Продам читы, ебать там рили читер ахуеть
Fucking 2 minutes of adverisments
Nice reference to Hero