Watch til the end! Genuine footage of what was thought to just be orbs caught at 1am in the morning. Wasn’t prepared for what was seen next.
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Looks absolutely authentic and at 1:06 the apparition is smiling and I can see teeth!!
This was on tonights episode of paranormal caught on camera on the Travel Channel. I had to find the original video and see it closer for myself. awesome evidence I have ever seen! very spooky! congrats getting a spot on the Travel Channel! 😀
This video was very clear to me. Certainly a face. Who, what or how is beyond me. But that was certainly a face.
Kto od poszukiwacza?
Where in valleys was this ?
What is with all the glitter on the floor? hmmmm
c'est un vrai fantôme, on dirait bien!
My favorite part is when their screams become synchronized.
I've watched this a few times now and it is hands-down the most compelling footage of a 'ghost' I have ever seen. And I have watched a lot of footage that's supposedly paranormal.
Everything about this seems legitimate to me. The orbs look real. The mist-like anomaly that moves from left to right looks real. The way it returns and seems to shape into a form as it approaches the camera looks real. What's more, the reaction of the ladies is undoubtedly 100% authentic. That's not acting!
Thank you for uploading this, it is absolutely fascinating. I'm very interested in the paranormal and as already mentioned have watched innumerable videos that have purportedly captured 'ghosts'. Most are frankly ludicrous and can easily be debunked. The more interesting ones often feature orbs and unusual 'mist', like here. But I have never seen anything quite like that .
I'm not gullible, nor do I instantly assume anything remotely strange is supernatural – quite the opposite (I'm very critical). Imo most photos/videos of 'ghosts' are either edited or plain old pareidolia. But this is just riveting; what's more, it's consistent with other evidence I've seen that I'm sure is legitimate.
I'm off to watch it again…
I think many of the people who say everything is fake, even the people who say the videos that can''t be debunked by professionals who DEBUNK these types of videos for a living are fake are scared shitless at the possibility that ghosts/the paranormal could possibly be real and they have to affirm that they aren't real by saying every video isn't real or they won't be able to sleep at night.
Dude. This. Is. A ghost.
2 bitches smoking in a dusty old shithole.
awesome catch!
That was freaky like, my family and I lived at a property called ''Gladstone villa'' in Bargoed. We had poltergeist activity, footsteps in the bedroom, occasional sighting but very rare. Please read my story, ''JOHNNY THE GHOST, BARGOED'' Thank you.
0:53 you can see the entity morph around the transparent face of the clock like reflected light would. The last bit is glass in front of the camera and someone from behind is using reflective material. No post editing required.
In this video, two women getting excited over dust motes.
Weird shit happens, why do people think every thing is fake for fuck sake. Quality capture, nice one girls.
first we got these killer clowns wondering the street now there killer clown ghosts #fakeasfuck
After being intrigued by thousands of videos like this, I've got to say this one doesn't seem fake. What would be conclusive would be a repeat video recording of the same phenomena. Then I would take it seriously. Go on Jason Hughes, tell your mother to try it again. Thanks for the video also.
EDIT: I have noticed that this could be a window they are pointing the phone camera through?
Our civilization has a good 100 years left, tops.
The orbs looked genuine since I can record the same phenomena in my own turn-of-the-19th-Century house that has at least two spirits living with us. The last part of the facial close-up seemed faked, but if truthful, very cool capture. I have several orb recordings, both outside and indoors. My late dog Roxie used to love chasing and barking at the spirits in the backyard near the old carriage house and I captured many orbs teasing her at the time. If I use my night vision camera here in the house, I can always see the residents spirits moving about, especially Ally or Allie (got her name years ago in an EVP recording session). Thanks for sharing the video.
This video is faker than kim kardashians boobs
ladies and gentlemen, next on youtube [a really freaking as fuck famous] special fx designers mother filming the leadership of the ring and sauron fighting on an
flying banana….100% ITS REAL!!1! she is 67 and SHE does not now how to
fake anything!!!11. …:DDD
Hey look it's the ghost of guy fawkes
But can it move chairs and slam cabinet doors?
I like how the women don't even appear that scared. They scream when they first see it but then they laugh. I don't argue the authenticity of the video as I don't really believe in ghosts. But if that really was a ghost those women are brave as shit just laughing it off