Popular Cvltvre is now 99% half-chewed OVERT PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS. As soon as you relax and listen to this seemingly innocuous dribbling fat-average-crypto-j-potato `comedy`, it`s NORMALIZED, and you consent to the download into your soft pink underbelly of a Subconscious.
“*Tune in, and drop out*“ — C I A
I had a similar experience on a cruise ship. Not the same drugs tho. I take methadone daily. I had 3 Jack n cokes and a soma (muscle relaxant) and remember going to sleep. I wake up in a hospital in Belize i think. Breathing tube and catheter. Well i had zero clue what was happening but had to piss….i started tugging on the catheter and nurses were like no no NO! Well i got it out but not before they deflated it. Dick bleeding fun is now a popular term at my job.
Well, goddamn. Being fat probably saved my life on a GHB overdose, too.
i would have died if he said weed
Yup, I took the charcoal challenge. Quick edit, awesome set, thanks for the laugh.
Hes not that funny but I find his wife very sexy.
PLAY STAR LORD THE YOUTUBE VIDEO GAME… GHB we call that TGC (the band formerly known as aka) play the aid the band start at Encounter by TGC…
Bath tub aka home for the shape of water…
How can I get ghb? I want to try it.
Happens to the best of us Tom Tom xD
Jk below but Sal Vulcano….
Annoymous hack away….
Might go upstairs taking too long both I hear Earth family upstairs literal….
Let's have ad hoc a vivck Add extra special effects to this video scare or startle me and you get a BINGO here….
Ooo he's almost red….
kl Sirius as A B strong reaction….
Ooo too much a darling pinky said Prince after computer blue….
Joke section from 8:45 ish was good but I saw an opportunity for him to improve the joke by implementing a quick joke about if after his father told him he was disappointed, a joke about the heart monitor going flat would be funny af too and mortal kombat finish him style for the joke.
I can't believe this was 6 years ago! I miss when Ari hosted..
That intro?
Earth 3rd denser density is 1 hell of a drug…sounds crazy so jk Also Jordan from CoCo around the world(s) show various are my tasks of mindlessly. Jk jk jk
Looking for more This Is Not Happening? Check out comedians’ wildest drug stories here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD7nPL1U-R5pl-EsIsmgZTuS0t3Tm6EV8
It's not worth it. Go shopping! Eat cheese cake. Go hunting. Swim, bike ride….work on a career. What wastes of talent in this universe.
yo CC: Tom Better have got some of that 6.1M view money, or make more of these quicker. dope openings and even greater stories!
Funniest man alive hands down
Ari sucks dick
If you like Tom Segura, you may like my stand-up
ya this shit was funny
Who jerked me off? Oh, it was me
Popular Cvltvre is now 99% half-chewed OVERT PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS.
As soon as you relax and listen to this seemingly innocuous dribbling fat-average-crypto-j-potato `comedy`, it`s NORMALIZED, and
you consent to the download into your soft pink underbelly of a Subconscious.
“*Tune in, and drop out*“ — C I A
I had a similar experience on a cruise ship. Not the same drugs tho. I take methadone daily. I had 3 Jack n cokes and a soma (muscle relaxant) and remember going to sleep. I wake up in a hospital in Belize i think. Breathing tube and catheter. Well i had zero clue what was happening but had to piss….i started tugging on the catheter and nurses were like no no NO! Well i got it out but not before they deflated it. Dick bleeding fun is now a popular term at my job.
Well, goddamn. Being fat probably saved my life on a GHB overdose, too.
i would have died if he said weed
Yup, I took the charcoal challenge.
Quick edit, awesome set, thanks for the laugh.
Hes not that funny but I find his wife very sexy.
GHB we call that TGC (the band formerly known as aka) play the aid the band start at
Encounter by TGC…
Bath tub aka home for the shape of water…
How can I get ghb? I want to try it.
Happens to the best of us Tom Tom xD
Jk below but Sal Vulcano….
Annoymous hack away….
Might go upstairs taking too long both I hear Earth family upstairs literal….
Let's have ad hoc a vivck
Add extra special effects to this video scare or startle me and you get a BINGO here….
Ooo he's almost red….
kl Sirius as A B strong reaction….
Ooo too much a darling pinky said Prince after computer blue….
Joke section from 8:45 ish was good but I saw an opportunity for him to improve the joke by implementing a quick joke about if after his father told him he was disappointed, a joke about the heart monitor going flat would be funny af too and mortal kombat finish him style for the joke.
I can't believe this was 6 years ago! I miss when Ari hosted..
That intro?
Earth 3rd denser density is 1 hell of a drug…sounds crazy so jk
Also Jordan from CoCo around the world(s) show various are my tasks of mindlessly. Jk jk jk
Of course Tom is from Florida.
This is by far the best episode of This is not happening. <3
Shitty stand up
Hey Tom, your stand up is not that good
Tom is the fucking man!
Tom is awesome
He’s younger than me? Dang Hollywood ages these guys.
real homies lace your shit with wd-40
Date raped himself . cheers to that
Napalm sticks to kids Rahh! Marine Corp!