埔心牧場Me,Golden Labrador playing with farm animals / 小女孩和狗狗vs農場動物 Jackie680808 — August 24, 2019 3 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist 妍庭妹妹(屬雞)和波比酷奇(屬狗)來到牧場裡,見到了小牛,小兔子,小豬豬,還有英姿煥發的馬兒.12生肖裡的6種動物都齊聚一堂了呢! source animals Dog (Organism Classification) dogs farm girl Labrador (Literature Subject) little 動物 埔心牧場 小女孩 拉不拉多 詹妍庭 農場 黃金獵犬 Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I think you also need to add more 'close-up' still takes of the little girl in video. It is not enough. I would like to see much more of it.
Can you send me the picture stop at video timer at 6:04? Cute
I think you also need to add more 'close-up' still takes of the little girl in video. It is not enough. I would like to see much more of it.
That's really funny that 6 out of 12 Animals showed up!!