Polar bears are possibly the strongest predators on land. After all, they can be over 3m long with a shoulder height of 1.6m and a weight of more than 500kg. They have sharp claws, a strong bite and a muscular physique.
Standing on its hind legs, a polar bear looks really scary.
Nevertheless, there are certainly a few animals that could take it on.
Polar Bear vs Walrus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvWLbK_mNw0
Elephant vs Hippo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJBtujXM5cQ
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Indian Gaur
A Siberian tiger can for sure defeat a polar bear
Full sized gorrila
A wolverine killed a polar bear. Not even kidding. Wolverines are the most formidable pound for pound animal on earth.
(Yes I know I have a wolverine as my picture, and yes they’re my favorite and I’m biased lol)
A k9 can also win a fight against a polar bear
Lions are probably capable of beating one, they can take on an elephant so they could take a bear, unless we are talking 1v1
Hippos are very territorial and quick tempered. They kill more humans in Africa than any of the African Big 5. Yes, polar bears are the largest apex predators on land, nonetheless we all know they are NOT the largest killers on land.
A wolverine has killed a polar bear before but that was in the zoo
A wolverine could beat a polar bear.
A polar bear would crush a siberian tiger
Wow i didn't know anyone can beat a polar bear wow!!!!!!!!omg!!!!!!!!!!
No 7 Kodiak bear
T Rex
Coke. They made the polar bear work for them and promote they're product while paying them minimum wage.
1. Place should be Hanma Yujiro
At 1:50 it looks like me and my friend when he tells me a joke in class lol
human: sharks are scary
shark: syhc your wrong i kill 10 human ayear and you kill 1,000,0000 of us a year
1st Human
We killed them because we made global warming
Tiger would lose
Number 1: Sven
Sasquatch….of course!
A pack of wolves
Elephants kill Rhinos. In fact years ago for some reason they were doing it all the time and they did a documentary on it. Elephants throw trucks around like it’s a toy. No animal stops an elephant. If for some reason it was in the water vs an Orca well that’s different but wouldn’t happen.
I believe that a wolverine would win against the polar bear. At least chase it away.
A jaguar can defeat a polar bear
A Walrus looks like a practical Tardigrade.
I salt water croc could win and maybe a full grown bison
The elephant will destroy they fucking bear and so will the rhino
Probably a Gang of Honey badgers can kill a polar bear???
How many toddlers could a polar bear take in a fight?
A Wolverine on steroids
Polar bears and grizzly bear you know whats missing??
On land.
1. Elephant
2. Rhinoceros
3. Hippopotamus
4. Giraffe
5. Elephant seal
6. Giant Razorback boar
On water.
1. Orca
2. Leopard seal
3. Shark
4. Walrus
5. Saltwater crocodile
6. Elephant seal
The grisly bear would not be able to beat a polar bear
Humans, tigers and lions.
I’ll agree with them all except the tiger. Why do people think a 600 lb (largest Siberian tigers and have bad stamina) can take on an 1800 lb polar bear ( largest polar bears and have excellent stamina!) There’s a viral video of a bengal tiger getting its ass kicked by a little sloth bear! 2nd smallest bear species kicks the tigers ass. Oh I’m sorry, I forgot! I guess bengal tigers have worse stamina nor near the fighting skill of Siberian tigers! My bad!!
it should be PREDETORS that can defeat a polar bear, a brown and kodiak bear are good examples
John Cena could easily take out a polar bear
Thanos, just by an inch of course
Hello? Narwhal!