Brand new Extreme funny fails compilation of the funniest Fails of the week for April 2019. Selection includes kids getting owned, trick shots gone wrong, home video bloopers, crashes caught on tape, stunts and more outtakes, viral videos and funniest moments caught on camera.
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Extreme Funny Fails Compilation
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The Best Fails of the Week (april 2019) Funny Fail Compilation #24 | Piment’s Videos
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twerk twerk twek! shake it! lol
3:34 I have to give the guy credit. He saved he from hitting the ground hard. He slows her decent and turns her to land in a good way. She ended up unharmed.
Chainsaw boy was trying to give himself a vasectomy.
3:06 damn I like…
What am I missing at 4:50.
The guy's changing a tire and then the old picture?
The turtle release waz so sad.
If the chainsaw would have started. It would have immediately stopped the idiot gen from spreading in that family. Heck, most of these people/idiots never should reproduce. EVER!
Good God I really hope that freaking chainsaw never actually started!
Jajajajaja Guuua Me Sopredio????????????❓
1 видео дибил бляд
Bicycle men is a good one?????
04:49 ????
05:55 ????
07:22 ????
2:22 that's messed up
Why do people do things that( ending up in a wheelchair) or worse can be the outcome??
The world full of stupid people and I don’t see anything funny at all…
08:15 teki intro için napalım bayraklarımı asalım hm?
Nothing better than parkour youths crushing their nuts on a rail
Stupid by choice – not a virtue.
That chainsaw clip MUST be a wind-up, there's no way anyone could be that stupid.
de chile saludo buen video
The girl in the red dress…just WOW…
What's with women filming themselves dancing?? Low self-esteem?? It's so stupid!!
Hier kommt wohl JEDER rein, der mal auf die Nase fällt !!?? !!
Ach nichteinmal das braucht man !!! Ein bisschen armselig !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do you get all of these old, fuzzy clips?
Probably be better for the world dude gets that chainsaw going and doesn't breed
Fuck that turtle
The intro clip. Savoir faire ess nevair there
I bet that didn’t happen to Jesus
i can't explain it, but Im in love…3:04
killing a turtle…not funny…
I've Never said the word TWAT so many times!!
Regurgitated footage!
We love stupid people.