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That last clip was freaking epic. Just put my face into a rag of chloroform and see what happens, while standing up no less. ?
5:10 I could not stop laughing xD
idea : dancing fails
2:16 Lando Norris?
first guy LOL
2:20 he popped a wheelie
You guys tormenting the little girl in blue. You are lucky I didn't see you because, if I had, I would have seriously injured both of you.
Cool la vidéo
I've seen some of them years ago.
4:02 that kids evil ?
1:05 орал так же ??
2:18 ‘that was not suppose to happen’ some people are just stupid what else did you think was going to happen?!
5:18. The guy takes the opportunity to cop a feel!
2:30 Kevin De Bruyne ??
Now that's breakdancing
Nice video ??
5:13 what a fucking retard! Grown man acting like a child, and putting others including kids in danger of being harmed, just because he thought he was cool when acting childish. What a fucking loser!
Shit guys do when their wives aren't home…. got a rag…. some chloroffffffuuuuuuckit….
At 5:15 why did his body look like that
3:19 aus Österreich 😀 "Heute"-Ausgabe vom 23.Mai 2017
1:15 Stop crying stupid bitch
0:34 that’s oddly the same thing that happened to me, the only difference is that I wasn’t fully naked lol
1:18 god darn are you lucky your not a boy
Be cuz no kids for you
The kid said « fuck this shit i’m out bro » 5:26
The guy at 2:35 is going to have 7 years of bad luck
What's the name of the video where the guy turns the pumpkin?
The clip at 1:19 made failing look hella good
Que lindo y que caballero el de 00:50 :3
That's a good bro move, retrieving his swimsuit and covering for him to put them back on.
2:02 Best Cover
05:22 this guy i wanna punch so hard in his ignorant face