Ghost Sighting Caught on Security Camera

Spread The Viralist

On August 8th, 2019 at 12:54am our security camera picked up a strange visitor walking through the kitchen. Some claim it’s a little boy and their pet. We don’t know for sure, but let us know what you think.


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About the Author: Joey Nolan


  1. Calm down crazies, this is just the silk of a spider. The camera's infrared is bouncing off the silk and making you all think it's something it isn't.

  2. If it is a child, it's interesting cause I've captured several E.V.P that sound like a child. Try recording audio when you go to bed and see if it captures anything. You can also do it in the day time but make sure there's no t.v, etc on.

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  4. Well, watching it more than once, it's obviously not dust. It does look like other apparitions people have captured on their camera. I cite the woman that caught one that looks like her dead son and another where this couple caught a spirit that scratched their baby and the baby actually looks up in that one.

  5. Cat doesn't even react. So this is NOT a ghost! Cats are extremely sensitive to the paranormal. It is just lying there calmly. This is a reflection or as stated below from a commentor, old data that has not been totally erased from video that is re-used over and over.

  6. why has no one ever thought about the effect of dubble exposure like on old photo's, couldnt it be that this is old data that came from an previeous recording that has been deleted or overwritten, we do know that data never disappears when you delete it !? My other thought is, if this is a wifi camera couldnt it be that the camara recieved the video data stream from somewere else like interference on old televisions, wifi is a radio signal if im not mistaken …. thats just me thinking

  7. Two thoughts on the arts lack of attention. One: Maybe the cats used to this spirit and the spirit dog. Just another night . Same old same old. And Two: maybe the cat just didn’t notice nor did it care. ?

  8. unfortunately the cat didn't react to it which lends me to believe it's an artifact of a previous recording. If you have no other paranormal activity that further supports that idea. edit…i just read your comment about the dream…very interesting!

  9. You should go to base housing on Yorktown naval Naval weapons station in Virginia. It's built on a old battlefield and there are ghosts galore there ! All over that area.

    Bed and breakfasts, daycare centers, ect… It's a jackpot for you.

  10. Hi Joey. I saw where you are going to check the history of the house, also check the history of the land, go back as far as you can. Many times if there is a haunting, it can be centered nearby, not necessarily your "home".

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