Kittens Abandoned In Trash Rescued Just In Time | Someone heard cries coming from this trash bin — and rescuers couldn’t believe what they found stuffed in a plastic bag ?
To help with the medical costs of these rescued kittens, you can support the Chios Animal Rescue Shelter: http://thedo.do/chios. Follow them on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/kivotoshelter/.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
Thank goodness for these rescuers! To help alleviate medical costs for these kittens, support the Chios Animal Rescue Shelter here: http://thedo.do/chios.
So cute kittens were thrown into plastic bag. Imagine what will happen after few days if no one hear, human that did this is real animal.
They saw the guy who did it. At least follow him and get the address so I can throw rotten eggs at his door.
What monster would do such a thing
Can the guy who threw the kittens away go in a garbage can that's on fire?
DONT KNOW THE LANGUAGE BUT IM SURE THE BLOKE SAID "THERE DYING YOU IDIOT RIP THE FN BAG OPEN" man some people are idiots and blue nail polish is a big one
Really, some people are as*h*les ???
How could anyone do that to any living creatures
Only in Greece this happens ofc.
Whf? That guy is the most yellow person. Really? 3 bags? You knew they were going to suffocate you asswipe piece of trash bad name for humanity.
Thank GOD they all are alive?
Anyone who throughs the kittens are jerks!
Go punch him
If u just saw him
How could someone do that to kittens what if something happened thank god the rescuers go to heaven may Allah bless you
Throwing away animals is the worst thing anyone has ever done ?
Poor things there so cute
This is one of the many reasons I hate people
is there an update? Are they ok? did they find the monster who bagged the kittens and charge him or better yet jail him?
Coward bastard !!!!……hell is waiting for you …..thanks for those who saved the babies life….;););)
Whoever did this, I HOPE HE NEVER FINDS HAPPINESS AND LOVE, and i hope he suffer all his life and even after that ! Rot in hell mutherfucker !!!
Someone find me the old man that threw those pour little baby;s away. I want too introduce him to a trash compacter. After I break every major joint in his body with a baseball bat.