One night my friend Tangoh decided to put on some of the Near Death Experience Compilation videos on and I just started to record because why not? So this video has no editing once so ever besides me just cutting the clips up. The ntro and outo are the only thing with editing. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did then like the video already, also Subscribe if you’re new to my channel but only if you actually like my channel/content, please. I try to upload at least 1 video a week (No specific day) and stream sometimes.
Friends in the video ▼
Tangoh: http://bit.ly/2Zn3Iqq
Wxldo: http://bit.ly/2XQt9jA
Killacarlos25: http://bit.ly/2XScEmU
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Intro and Outro Music ▼
secret crates – Springtime Stroll
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/secret-crates-beatsforsalee
Intro and Outro video ▼
Sir Randomnezz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyrKJ0ATu2_CtzZUb87mBJw
My YouTube Logo and Banner were made by Insovia
Check him out here: https://twitter.com/insovia
Have an Awesome Day!
#SamuraiGekko #Discord #reaction
13:37 is my favorite part
P.S. these videos are copyrighted :/
Are you that guy on daniels discord? Are you that epic gamer with isis
hey gamer this video was epic 🙂
yo wanna collab
Them cow teeth be like a titan biting u
Great video hope we can do more