The Doctor encounters the legendary Robin Hood and duels him using only a spoon. Taken from the episode “Robot of Sherwood.”
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I just noticed, when robin hood leaves the water at 1:55, he's bone dry! pause it on 2:03
He’s pretty good with that spoon.
Doctor who needs Steven Moffat back! This show is garbage without him.
Robin Hood didn’t know what he was getting himself into. The Doctor is a Master swordsman. We saw that with the 3rd, 4th, and 9th Doctors. And 12 did not disappoint.
Lol, the Doctor spooned Robin Hood
Funny thing is, I played a character in a play that sold spoons as weapons.
Wait if the tardis is infinite or at least nearly so I could sneak in and live there forever without him knowing
Scotland vs england
Better weaponry
Better dress sense
High ego
Worse weaponry
less numbers (two english people in this scene)
Wims anyway
You know why?
Because we are scotts and we are geneticly modified to win no clue why.
(If you just ignore the fact that we are Englands bitch currently and thw times we DID lose to them this this holds weight :]]]]]]]]]]]]])
The Tick would be proud.
Robin hood there tries to stab the doctor through the torso just before getting pushed in, but when he pushes the doctor in right after Clara laughs along with him?
0:47 Middle finger
Clara was both adorable and awesome in this episode. Her excitement about Robin Hood is so cute, and she's so cool when she outsmarts the sheriff. She's just awesome 😀
Then again, when is she not? ;D
"I don't have a sword, cause I don't have one. Because I am the Doctor, and this, is my spoon" a Quote from a true man
watch robin of Sherwood was better than than this
commences flynning wildly
''Because i am the Doctor'' gives Robin Hood the finger
Robin Hood, prepare to be spooned!
I always thought that the guy who played Robin Hood would be 13.
Hang on…
One of the Doctor's aliases is John Smith…
So is this when John knocked Robin Hood into the river?
The all mighty spoon beats all
The spoon is mightier than the sword
What I hoped for: Epic sword fight
What I got: ridiculous cringey spoon fight
I love how this robin is using Eroll Flynn’s style. Those swings are very iconic
1:41 quality footwork
You haven’t seen the quality of my footwork yet
I bet you that shove was improvised
One of the many ways to make The Doctor just as badass as he should be-
Him using a spoon in a swordfight
Edit: I will always remember the time when The Doctor was slightly outwitted by a human vigilante
Time Lords are very clever,they can use anything as a weapon even Missy,She made a gun out of leaves
I am the DOctor and this is my spoon!"Favaurite quote of Capaldi
Most enormoughs… Ego
Q:Doctor Who VS Mr. Doodler
Ans: ? (Reply)
I gotta give props to the costume designer, this is the first time we’ve seen a Robin Hood costume that is both practical and recognizable
God. I miss old doctor who….