Top 10 Paranormal Videos. Poltergeist Activity Caught on Camera. Part 38
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#paranormal #top10
all fake..coin in a jar is good
Whem this happens try not to swear maybe demons and use a Spirit box and just say this spirits that are oppressed call on name of Jesus or rebuke it.
The one with the bead an blue teddy bear is terrible the two side don't match the mirror, like the left corner on our side showing alil bit of the corner bit on the reflection the same corner is tucked better, an the folds in the middle the most bunched up doesn't match at all, an last thing when it bounces everything in that circle of bounce bends with it like the mirror an the corner of the wooden bed from lol shity Job
it's funny all the sudden now all you see are things moving open and shutting lights turning on that's literally every single paranormal thing now on every channel as soon as someone starts doing it boom here comes the friggin bandwagon every single channel has to do it over and over and over again recycling clip after clip it's so annoying when you all you see is s*** just moving or something's rocking or something opened or closed all the stuff could easily be done and you don't even know if it could be real or not because it's all mixed in because most of it's all fake from a bunch of idiots trying to get views so we don't know what ones are real anymore so thanks a lot douchebags
Coin in bottle is quite convincing. She's not acting and it'll take some doing to recreate that as a special effect.
2:26 This one is so sad it makes me cry! ?
Did you see that in no.5 reflection in the mirror
5.55 something staring into the room from outside window , man that duded just layed down not even 5 min and shit started popping off lol
1:17 into the video. Anyone notice the boxes on the table where this guy had recently installed Phillips Vue lighting and was possibly messing around with the app to control them? The chair came towards him. Ye riiiight…. This haunting is about as legitimate as a seagull flying away with a Didgeridoo carried in it's beak!
3:50 play that very slowly and look in the mirror.
Dammmmmn at 4:50 after the black guy gets into bed you see the light flicker in the room behind him then a massive amout of ORBs so cool people should really find out where this guy lives or lived and investigate that place ……
at about 3:47 to 3:51 if you look at the mirror on the wordrobe when it opens it looks like the is a dark black shadow figure standing there check it out look hard it gose by fast……..
When it goes to night view what are all those floating things… Are they orbs? It looks like pieces of dust but I don’t think it could be dust
#10 just sit there, dont investigate smh
When this generation becomes ghosts, I hope we are more productive. None of this wailing and crying in the night shit. No more disturbing people, opening doors/cupboards, turning on and off water and lights.
Let's pick up litter, tidy up…do better!
unexplained ABNORMAL videos.
Very sexy voice by the way. Maybe Romanian? You sound like Dracula. ♥️
Number 9 was scary mate. Scary governor. Scary I say !!!
any have link for 6:35 ?? I like that coin one.
The mattris one is fake, right at the very end of that part you can see someone under the end of the bed , you see maybe a hand or arm between the foot board and the white blanket that was moved using a string.
Where do u find this stuff???
I'm not someone who scares easily, because unknowingly, my ex and I bought a house that was inhabited with a paranormal entity or entities, so I have 7 years worth of scary experiences and creepy stories!
I just want to say, the lady with the earrings, she's much braver than I'd care to try and be. I'm sorry, I definitely draw the line at flagrante delicto–there's no way I could handle having my personal space violated and my person touched by any entity like that!
How can she calmly live with that kind of intrusiveness? Wouldn't you always be wondering what's coming next!?!
The coins In the jar is easy . My dad used to do it with us as kids . It’s a magnet under the table
The f is that ? – me :_ dodgy wiring lol
That ghost was like HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i died so i could run up your water bill.
Hello…Im French and i have a question for HIDDEN PLACE :
You see I dont get these ghosts who haunt average homes and make the owners life a misery. I would be haunting members of government and people who annoy me!
#4 Am I the only one that's questioning on how a poor person can afford an in home security system?
Haha funny
why is it always some australian cunt with the biggest tv in the world
Dear stupid people confronted with paranormal phenomenon: please stop making things worse by challenging/questioning said phenomenon. This just incentivises them to act out more. The woman in the last video was just asking for it when she said the entity could touch whatever it wanted in her home as long as it left her alone. Firstly, these things doesn't have to obey your "rules". Secondly, she basically gave it permission to stay and screw with her.
Most of these are most likely faked. People/devices screwing with light switches in #9 is not hard to do, but the guy's reaction is good. I've seen a longer version of #8, and there's clearly someone behind the chair, and the dog obviously doesn't give a shit about the "phenomenon". Video #6 just looks like strings attached to stuff (and it's a good reason why you shouldn't add audio effects to your video's background because it makes it hard to evaluate when you're deliberately trying to make it scary). The phenomenon in #5 is pretty typical of "stuff on a string" videos, and although the girl in the reflection was nicely done, it's become an overused trope thanks to movies like the Grudge and the Ring. There's someone in the window in #4 around 5:55. Since we don't see under the table in video # 3, there's no way of knowing if someone is under there manipulating the coin through trickery (it can and has been done before). You can see where the bedspread in #2 remains all bunched up as if it has something attached to it. The woman in clip #1 hardly moves despite the fact that she's being "tormented" by an unseen entity, and not once does she respond the way anyone else would by swiping at the moving earring. Almost as if she doesn't want to chance disrupting an attached thread.
This leaves the videos labeled #10 & #7. The object in #10 looks pretty precarious, but the dog is clearly upset by the movement. Either pup doesn't like what's happening, or it barks/growls at just about anything. The kitchen in clip #7 has been filmed more than once. This is either convincing or damning. Either there's a lot of activity at this location, or the poster is desperate to prove how "haunted" the place is. It could easily be "stuff on a string", but does have the benefit of coming from multiple locations and traveling in directions that are more difficult to fake. Any of these would be easy to rig, but having that many strings in that many directions makes it harder to do without being detected in the available light. Especially when the light turns on.
Stop filming with the phone virtually. LANDSCAPE MOTHERFUCKERS! In this day and age, if you don't know this, you shouldn't vote. JFC!
It’s scary
2:50 ?
Clip number 4 is fake as fuck
Click here 3:49 and pause it immediately. then go to quarter speed and you will see the entity that's fucking around with the dresser. Creepy af
in this video.. definitly djin activity.. the bottle, the ring,, all this stuff..
If someone who reads this, have problems, because a Djindemon is haunting u and u dont know why?!
or u played with a quija board and opened a door u r unable to close again..
only the word can help.. the right word, the truth can help,.. nothing else..
I do not want you to convert, but that you test it and judge for yourself
pls u have to try it.. only the word of God can safe u.. ONLY THE WORD…
Play the Koran and all Demons will flee.. especially if the Vers AYAT UL KURSI is played. look for recitator Omar Hisham!
play that sound..free ur houses and ur lives… because the djin(demon) cannot stay the sound.. and will begin to burn, and than the djinn(demon)will run and flee. pls try it. only god s words can help in such situation
if the Demon is inside someone this person will run too!! hold him or her..
if u try.. dont wonder if u hear a scary scream… its like fire for them…
good luck
For #3 couldn’t you have a magnet underneath that is a certain charge (pos/neg) that would make the coin flip if you move the magnet close real quick to make it “jump”? Idk just reminds me of what happens if you put two of the same type magnet near they just push ea other away
Der hund???da ist was los
i would not sleep in that bed again no way looollll
Fake! Fake! Fake
Notice the chic at #1 is a 1
#5 @3:50 there is someone in the reflection. Could easily be fake.
U can see something or someone almost walk in front of the window outside
How does than in #4 video not wake up or hear anything of what's going on?
Ghosts are just assholes
La cen dans le pot ça c'est fort