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Baeksoon is suspected to be an abandoned dog, but the chain around her neck tells a different story..
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Боже я бы убивала жтих тварей людей.. Сука мне не жалко людей, потому как они заслуживают самого ужасного в этой жизни.. НЕ ИЗДЕВАЙТЕСЬ НАД ЖИВОТНЫМИ.. ТВАРИ ВЫ ПОСЛЕДНИЕ
the biggest mystery of the history: how do they show as their past?
She is beautiful❤ thanks for saving her?
지금이라도 다행이지만 ㅠㅠ
What a fantastic action to save this dog…I ask myself if the doctors are as (exhorbitant) expensive as they are in Europe…Having a dog(or any other animal) in Europe, than you need to pay a lot of money for medication, food and medical care…
Graças a Deus que existe pessoas coo vcs.
Deus abençoe todos deste vídeo
Porque tanto sufrimiento para estas criaturas tan indefensas que son tan nobles
Desgraciado hipocrita,tanto tiempo ha esperado para quitarle esa cadena que lo ha estado axfixiando y ahora se hace como que le importa!!pero con la vara que mida sera medido!!!
Chi è italiano metta like
Poor dog. Thank you so much guys for the effort in helping this dog. God bless
Я не пойму это Китайцы или Японцы?Для китайцев такая доброта к собакам не свойственна.!!!
Love u
Thank you kind people!!
Total neglect, chaining dogs up is unnecessary if you train them well there is no need, poor or not has nothing to do with it!
Tausend Dank für die Rettung ???
Hello ben bir Türk ??
Il veterinario e assistenti persone meravigliose ,con,volontari ,bravissimi ,y love ,love, love
Omg ?????the poor ???.
I only wish this beautiful girl had been saved from all this suffering in extrem pain sooner…..Many thanks to the owner for wishing her a better life, which she so greatly deserves…All my thoughts goes to you Baeksoon, for a full recovery and for finding your forever loving and caring home …..
Hope you can always save more dogs and another animals
Really appreciate what you doing , you save animals
Que bellos Dios lo vendiga atodo por su trabajo
Его зовут персик
That is a good video I'm glad those people help that poor dog
fucking chinese
Какие бездушные люди. Ставят дизлайки?
Большая благодарность всем принявшим участие в поимке и лечение собачки)))
Semoga amal kebaikanya d blas sm allah swt…!!
Beautiful beautiful dog…..bravo to everyone that saved her……..
Non sono nemmeno riuscita a finire di guardare il video…non ho parole….????
Completamente cruel não merece ter nenhum animal. Inaceitável as desculpas dele, poderia ter pedido ajuda para capturar o animal.
Muchísimas gracias por rescatarlo y Ojalá que lo adopté una familia que no lo amarre , que le de amor y que sea muy felíz. Saludos
Malditos humanos que colocaram a corrente no cachorro???????