@6:25 you see that the undercut cliff isn't going to hold much longer. I was looking at the trees knowing they were going to go with it and I found myself saying, (in my head), NRUN, RUN". Then I stopped and thought, "What are you saying, trees can't run." Its just that I guess they looked kind of human all standing together like that…. that or I have lost it completely at last.
they blast mountains like they set forest fire
Wondered how many ppl lost their lives. And or Lived to speak of the horror they’d gone through! Much rainfall could cause these landslides! Her where we live has very few mountains for it’s in the bringing of the Smokey mountains! These small heights Hills are said they Bring flash flood less we’d lived below the top! We’d lived on the top mostly never had any Floods! We’d had rain for week or two two. It was about 7:20 am coming from night shift! About one mile from our home the car in front of his car, went flying down the Hill will land and water into a, home sitting at the bottom of the a, higher hill than where we are living! It’s not good to be living anywhere around here! He’d nearly fell into the hole as well! thank God he’d been able to stay on the road! After the landslide stopped he and guys behind him as well other ppl on the east bound side rand down to check on him and the residents! He man of the house, running with his kinds as he wanted to know what had happened! ( He’d Thought a, car wrecked into his house! Then he’d realized she’d been buried alive! They ppl were all safe but, scare to death! An ambulance had come as well Policemen! he’d had the lay ppl and thanked them for helping these ppl! All left yet, they had to back up turn around and take a, longer way home on the I-20'! Praise GOD it’s never happened again! Hoping so hate to see so many ppl suffering! It breaks my heart ❤️ to see them suffer!
It is fantastic that we do pull together in an emergency. We are resilient humans.
What's with the insane whistling ?
Same old cobbled together videos we’ve all seen a million times. Beware when you see a video that claims to be the biggest and most. These guys should be spending their time on more valuable projects.
Fucking lying sack of shit. You miixed indian and European footage not to mention earthquake shit from Nepal as well as some lahar footage. You should be banned from you tube. You are a lowlife plagarist. Any video from you gets a dislike, you suck.
You could try making the videos smaller on the screen. Yeah… that would help…
@3:10Come on…This landslide was caused by an earthquake. It caused ground liquefication that became a huge landslide.
maya'smomhere: Lord save us ! whatever "resolution" we are to deal with @9:04 ! oh my gosh That Dealt withit…dealt with, it sure was, now dealt with…and the poor dear souls upon whom that surprise indeed was dealt, also did…deal with it. Prayers to them, wearefine! Love, anonymousmom
Don't :"F" with Mother Nature.
stupid shorted.
i hate haveing no girlfriends text. go the fufck away channk actsense.
@6:25 you see that the undercut cliff isn't going to hold much longer. I was looking at the trees knowing they were going to go with it and I found myself saying, (in my head), NRUN, RUN". Then I stopped and thought, "What are you saying, trees can't run." Its just that I guess they looked kind of human all standing together like that…. that or I have lost it completely at last.
they blast mountains like they set forest fire
Wondered how many ppl lost their lives. And or Lived to speak of the horror they’d gone through! Much rainfall could cause these landslides! Her where we live has very few mountains for it’s in the bringing of the Smokey mountains! These small heights Hills are said they Bring flash flood less we’d lived below the top! We’d lived on the top mostly never had any Floods! We’d had rain for week or two two. It was about 7:20 am coming from night shift! About one mile from our home the car in front of his car, went flying down the Hill will land and water into a, home sitting at the bottom of the a, higher hill than where we are living! It’s not good to be living anywhere around here! He’d nearly fell into the hole as well! thank God he’d been able to stay on the road! After the landslide stopped he and guys behind him as well other ppl on the east bound side rand down to check on him and the residents! He man of the house, running with his kinds as he wanted to know what had happened! ( He’d Thought a, car wrecked into his house! Then he’d realized she’d been buried alive! They ppl were all safe but, scare to death! An ambulance had come as well Policemen! he’d had the lay ppl and thanked them for helping these ppl! All left yet, they had to back up turn around and take a, longer way home on the I-20'! Praise GOD it’s never happened again! Hoping so hate to see so many ppl suffering! It breaks my heart ❤️ to see them suffer!
It is fantastic that we do pull together in an emergency. We are resilient humans.
What's with the insane whistling ?
Same old cobbled together videos we’ve all seen a million times. Beware when you see a video that claims to be the biggest and most. These guys should be spending their time on more valuable projects.
Fucking lying sack of shit. You miixed indian and European footage not to mention earthquake shit from Nepal as well as some lahar footage. You should be banned from you tube. You are a lowlife plagarist. Any video from you gets a dislike, you suck.
You could try making the videos smaller on the screen. Yeah… that would help…
@3:10 Come on… This landslide was caused by an earthquake. It caused ground liquefication that became a huge landslide.
maya'smomhere: Lord save us ! whatever "resolution" we are to deal with @9:04 ! oh my gosh That Dealt withit…dealt with, it sure was, now dealt with…and the poor dear souls upon whom that surprise indeed was dealt, also did…deal with it. Prayers to them, wearefine! Love, anonymousmom
Don't :"F" with Mother Nature.
stupid shorted.
i hate haveing no girlfriends text. go the fufck away channk actsense.
Move u idiots fools