Rescue Homeless Puppy Is So Sick On The Roadside And Treatment
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Credit A. G (blue_soft): https://www.instagram.com/blue_soft/
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Thanks A. G (blue_soft) for this video
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAidUnlimited
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#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
You can watch another story:
1/ Rescue Poor Dog Broken JAW Lying on Roadside Waiting for Help: https://youtu.be/4_aF7A4T6FY
2/ Rescue Poor Dog with Big Tumor CANCER on Head Sufferd Many Pains: https://youtu.be/Eb8IR5khK9M
3/ Rescue Poor Dog With A Stomach Full Mucus : https://youtu.be/QquOpv5iJvY
Parece que al perrito esta mas decaido que antes,necesita de un veterinario uds. hacen lo mejor pero necesita de alguien que sepa,muchos de sus rescates necesitan de un veterinario a veces la ayuda economica no llega porque se ve que uds mismos los curan.Bien lo que hacen pero mas seguimiento para los que quieran dar economicamente vean que su dinero tiene un fin humanitario.Gracias de todo corazon a pesar de la critica siempre es para mejorar.????
How can ANYONE turn away, ignoring a dog that suffers ?? It´s clearly shown that the dog is ill, in pain, starving and NOBODY is doing ANYTHING to help ….Sometimes I´m ashamed of being human…..thank you so much for saving this adorable girls life and making her safe and loved again……..She deserves so much more than the people just turning away ever will..
Wagging her tail even though she’s in pain and hungry,all she wants is food shelter and most importantly love,I hope the humans who abandoned her have a painful life,thank you so much for caring
So skinny… ?… thanks for give her a chance, but for always please, not only for the video ?????? please
Ihr habt es geschafft ????
Danke ?das ihr niemals aufgebt?
My god dude u r so rough at petting this boney dog damn be gentle!
Deus abençoe e proteja sempre todos os animais ???
God bless you all
You will experience heaven
Que rostinho triste,humilde e necessitado.
It must be awful to be that hungry and thirsty. Poor thing. Why didn't you take it to the vet? It looks like she has the beginnings of mange. You ask for donations, but for what? No medical care was given, other than what you yourself did. It may have been hit by a car and/or had worms, parvo, etc.
Doesn't look like you are at a Vet & you have a fluids tube stuck in dog! You're not Vets to be doing that. I think dog is barking & growling because it feels you've caused it to deteriorate. Giving Fluids is technical know how. Know where veins are exactly eg. STOP PLAYING DOCTOR! You're just experimenting & prob. cruelly killing them. WHY IS IT GROWLING AT YOU? If you can't reach Vets you should only be re-hydrating a dehydrated dog with "syringed water", slowly into side of mouth. Careful, so not water to travel down to lungs. Be patient, bit by bit. As they have lost ability to swallow being dehydrated. Dog (or cat) will slowly be rehydrated to its internal organs & brain. You can buy Syringes on internet different sizes, cheap. Medium size about4 inches long 1"wide. Or chemists sell small ones or a vet.
Ya. Dále agua.pobre animal no tiene fuerza por favor aydanlo bien
Ty for recusing her too
Poor baby too,She in pain too
Poor puppy so sad and heartbreaking too her this way too
thankyouforhelping godblessyou
Pobresita bebé! Gracias por ayudarla, muchas bendiciones! ❤??
Estos perritos de las calles son como niños huerfanitos que buscan quien los adopte para tener una familia quien los.quiera y los amén
에휴 저래도 사람좋다구..ㅠㅠ아가야 얼마나 굶은거야 저뼈봐 ㅠㅠ저곳에 혼자 외롭게 배고픔에 아픔에 얼마나 고통스럽고 힘들엇니
Thanks so much for helping her pls update us i want to see how she is doing ok
Tadinha tá brava ainda
Meudeus quw dó muito obrigada
Thank you
Armer kleiner Kerl kämpfe Dich in das Leben zurück.
Big hugs thank u for your compation
Боже боже ! Сколько ж их! Доброе ,несчастное существо! И продолжает верить людям ! Косточки одни! Теперь будет лучше ! Там желудочек ссохся,сто лет не ел… Будь счастлив ,щенок !
SoNo sempre contento di vedere che c'è chi con amore lotta per salvare e aiutare questi piccoli tesori….grazie di cuore che dio vi benedica semrpe per il vostro lavoro
Che meraviglia ??
So thin poor Darling. Beautiful face ??
Greetings from faraway Finland ??
Will you please try to give an update on this precious dog
I'll be glad when God tends to these evil people who does this to animals?????
Thank you to help her please update about her improvement
Que nosso Eterno Soberano Deus lhe proteja ,com sua saúde e paz para todos os protetores de animais .
Thanks so much for help him! You are really a Hero!!!!!