Watch Gates Wildlife Control remove 7 baby red foxes from underneath a deck as Mama Fox keeps a close watch.
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Why did these fucking house owners want these foxes gone?
How did they got there??!!
I just figure she's going to put them under someone else's house ?♀️
The thing is, the mother fox could have just took her pups to another bad location, ie like a derelict house or somewhere similar??
ummm babies were in a safe place before you removed them.
She was making a landing pad for them, I think. When she was digging? Or maybe that just meant she was upset.
“What happened while I was gone?”
“Mom! These tall hairless things took us out of the bed!”
Well done your good people
Adorable young foxes! Thank you sir! ❤
I cryed!
That woman is creaming her pants with every baby they pull out
I'm confused as to why they needed to be removed in the first place. Where were they going now… to another deck? Obviously the mother fox put them there, so why not just leave them in peace?
This was stupid they did not rescue the foxes ??♀️
hey little fox! stuffs in bag
I feel like you should have caught the mother and relocated her to a place that wasn’t in the city. It seems like she literally just moved them across the street.
If the owner of the property would have just waited another few weeks to a month, the mother fox would have moved them on her own.
And then board up the access hole to prevent them from getting in next year.
under someone else's porch stairs?
I've never seen any that young either. We live in the country, surrounded by woods and we see fox quiet a bit. There is one male that we have seen every year for the last 6 years. Last year he was looking really thin so we left out some dog food for him. After that he started putting some weight back on. Once he seemed out of the starvation stage we stopped putting it out for him. We still see him from time to time and he seems to be doing alright. He is a red fox and he has an identifying patch of white fur on his back so we know it's him when he returns to our back yard. I'm just happy he made it through last year, he was looking really ruff. I just couldn't let him starve, they are such beautiful, funny animals. Sometimes we catch him jumping on our trampoline that used to belong to our kids when they were younger. Kids are all grown up now, so they don't mind.
Gotta love being a human.
Well done…BRAVO!!!
Died of cute-ism overload !
Now the neighbor across the street can pay you to move them again
Have anybody thought about maybe the owner of the house didnt want them there?
The real question is who is going to fix the deck?