Dog Rescue – Ep.3 | TRULY

Dog Rescue - Ep.3 | TRULY
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Dog Rescue follows two of the UK’s busiest dog rescue & rehoming centres. It’s an eventful time at the Manchester & Cheshire Dogs Home: the animal ambulance breaks down, celebrity actress Sherrie Hewson judges a dog fancy dress show and centre manager Colin looks into rehoming a dog on an idyllic island. Over at Harefield’s Dog Trust, Adam rescues 9-week-old collie-cross pups.

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About the Author: Beastly


  1. People are so stupid with dogs, what's so wrong with spaying and neutering so accidental pregnancies don't occur? Most people know it's a lot of money and time and energy to raise even one litter, and will chose to just breed deliberately once or twice and then spay the dog. Humans are so illogical and dogs often suffer for our lack of brains or knowledge or inexperience or whatever…. It's so frustrating to see stuff like that.

  2. Fundraiser Natalie: Why don't you contact Ford, Mercedes etc. Head Offices and ask them to donate a van to use as an ambulance and maybe put some advertising for them on the van. I am sure there are kind hearted dog lovers who own van companies, who would be willing to help. Just an idea!

  3. My god.. the person who did the music has no feeling at all, on when to put the music down or up… Maybe better if that person finds another job ???

  4. Dog Trust needs to ensure that the Woman's Collie gets Spayed – otherwise they will be back in 4 months.
    If you can't afford a Vet -you can't afford a Pet.

  5. great program, and while i like your background music IT IS MUCH TOO LOUD! Please fix, because we can't hear the people speaking over the music! 🙁

  6. PLEASE do something about that ridiculously loud music…it is incredibly annoying and adds nothing to the video. We want to hear about the animals and the overpowering music volume makes that impossible.

  7. UK seems to live in the 1960’s 1970’s in terms of animal education. The public seems to be terribly ignorant to have that many beautiful dogs available in shelters

  8. What a stupid dog owner–saying that their is nothing she can do about her dog having puppies–well get your dog fixed. Hopefully he gets her dog fixed now–but probably not–she doe not say anything about getting her dog fixed? Well this dog owner is not very smart!!! Someone needs to tell her that next time her dog has puppies (because she does not get her dog fixed) then she will be responsible for the puppies. England has the same problems as the US=—irresponsible dog owners and then their are abuse with dogs. I think it is dog abuse to not have your dog fixed.

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