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4:35 https://youtu.be/IJYFoeZJqUE?t=225
I can see what brought 2puck to send that clip.
Best fails i have ever seen ??
3:45 my best moments in this entire clip
still having a cute voice i hear
Ty man
"God damn, he prescribed them the dick up the butt"
Best line ever
@7:03 – @7:20 ORGASM ?
Portrait motion travel gym fight up word warn church trust.
"When an unstoppable idiot meets an immovable dumbass." Lmao
Just stumbled upon your channel. Lmao the whole time. Keep the content coming. Reminds us all we all do stupid shit at times. This was a breath of fresh air.
Pudge made my day AGAIN!!!
You put impostor king WK everywhere? Damn you, traitors.
Yu ikutan games giveaway arcana seru2 an aja teman2 buat hiburan sebelum GESC tourney
Cara nya mudah banget loh.. Good luck
Tht storm sprit with trent protector n another idiot use skil 4 storm pass 4 hero tht atck mid towr n tp to mid towr then die..win haha..wau earthsheker 4 vs 1 echo slm don't u there..weuuu..
7:32 my best part
Y no 13:37 lenth so close…
Well done, Niel! Thanks for doing those fails montages and for this compilation. 🙂
1 good underlorld ult? Universe did it my man 😀
5:08 don't worry, I can translate, I've had lots of dumb teammates in my time. His thought process was "great, one of them is gone but I need to kill the other illusion. Mana drain is on cooldown, and I don't have enough mana for hex. Better go get some." Then, realizing his mistake, he continues to use mana drain on the neutral in the hope that he'll have enough mana to do so before he dies.
Neil, if you get the episode, then make an outro as well 😉 apart from that GJ 😉
That first clip was painful
Thanks Neil!
ธรรมะ ไหมละ
Replace Slacks with Neil. That intro was real professional stuff.
"This video brought to by…
pretty gey
10:20 they predicted Universe’s underlord
that pudge at 11:27 made me laugh straight 5 minutes without breath.
11:31. That Pudge my stomach hurt I laugh so badly on that one
People shit about AI bugging out and doing some retartded shit, it's good to see that we aint much better
was this the 200th episode special?
T h a n k y o u a x e
Wher is ep 200?
"When an unstoppable idiot meets an immovable dumbass" Sunsfan LMAO
I'll never understand how people fuck up tp's like that SS. Do they not have the double click on to tp back to well?
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