The most epic Floods in the World caught on camera (compilation 2011 – 2019). This video contains tsunami shots in Japan, terrible floods in India, Turkey, the USA and Iran. A terrible compilation of videos with natural disasters.
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Horrible videos ?? Like and subscribe to channel. Thanks guys!
Pavoroso … , meu Deus
The first one NOOO WAY I walk on bridge.. 2nd one 2011 Trsuami 24.000 people die stay in your car unless it's filling up those folks don't have a chance when you live so low or on island n water ??
Dont play with mother nature ..otherwise u have to face the same consequences like this.
quero ver o homem impedir a furia da naturesa
له؛ وتبقي؛ ايلا؛جسدو؛اءنسان؛هل؛تضنون؛اءنهو؛منسي؛وعليه؛حيسي؛ولمس؛ وووميضهيرو؛ لي؛العلام؛كم؛مريخ؛جبورو؛الحيات؛وهي=مركش؛صحفيitalnoمادا؛راين؛ يصوير؛ وخرجت؛ من؛ البرلمن؛العلوي
بنيو؛وعليو؛ومشو؛ وخليو؛ الموصطعمير؛من؛اين؛لكم؛ولهم؛هادا؛في؛العلام؛كن؛بطيلو؛زهوق؛ومعلق؛ومفلق؛فوق؛رواوسكم؛والله؛ اءحسن؛ العون؛لي؛المسكين؛رجعو؛ سينت؛ من؛ قبل؛وستعرف؛مادا؛يجري؛اءدا؛كثر؛الخبث؛وخوبتاء؛مادا؛سيكون؛ وانثم؛ تسعون؛ايلايه؛وتورويج؛لهو؛ابلعات؛القمر؛وخمر؛ اين؛ امنتيكم؛ومساءوليثيكم؛وش؛ خبركم؛ من؛ بار؛ ومن؛ دخيل
La illaha Illa ALLAH ❤️
8/2019 Très dangereux de circulé⛔ en marchant ?sur ce Pont ? please !! ?….
wer geht denn bei so einer Flut langsam (!) und gemächlich mit Regenschirm über eine Holzbrücke, an die bereits in der Flut treibende Teile krachen???
The second one is the 2011 tsunami in Japan not a flash flood.
It’s coming my brothers and sisters ????
It go to show you how long these disasters have been going on for and will continue to
get worse before the return of Jesus Christ GOD bless everyone and may GOD have
mercy upon all.
the folks crossing the pathway bridge a the beginning, should be taken to the insane asylum and examined thoroughly. What a bunch of f'in dumb assess.
The tsunami footage from Japan has nothing to do with flash flooding, obviously.
Zalimu pr Allah ki Laanat or uska azab nazil hoga insha Allah
Zalim logu ki waja se Allah Azab nazil hota h
ولله العالم كلو مارح يستقر اذا نحنا.ما ستقرينه وهاد وعد اللهم انتقم.من الظالمين اجمعين
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر ربنالك الحمد ارض بل ارض كل ضيعه عنا بلد عندكون الله لا يرحمكون ارض وشعب وحكومه اللهم انتقم من الظالمين اجمعين اللهم امين
wheres the Amazon rainforest fire at?
Реально эпично
DIOS SOBERANO DIOS!!! es muy piadoso, la culpa es del hombre, han hecho mucho daño a la tierra. tantas perforaciones, tanta basura, somos horribles como humanos, destructores. Dios tenga piedad, al final nos enseñará como hubiéramos vivido bien sin dañar la tierra, ni animales, ni al prójimo. La avaricia, el egoísmo, la vanidad, es espantoso!!!!
Yeah seen some of these before,however you have to see it again to believe it …Thank you
Eski çekilmiș yeni değil Allahım afattan Sana sığınırım.
Thank you
5:17, I do not want to die like that. Where the SUV ended up. Like a big hole there.?
Who in the right mind goes over this bridge?
It can break at any second.
Idiots !
3:24 the red car took the wrong decision to go backward. After, the car was blocked with the white car. In those situation, the right decision is crucial. Maybe jump the wall and go on the hill but driving backward!
I never saw a so apocalyptic video with people (except fire). So sad, please pray for them, pray for us. Give your life to Jesus Christ. He's coming soon for the rapture.
Meu Deus ?? misericórdia Sr….??
No minuto 2:55 não é enchente. Foi o rompimento criminoso (empresa Vale) da barragem de Brumadinho, em Minas Gerais – Brasil.
Imagens antigas ,mas muito assustadoras
Mi rattrista vedere certi video
Filmano e gente è li in pericolo.
Spero che l uomo sul cofano non sia annegato.
Se fossi stata li avrei cercato di fare un qualcosa.
Bastava consapevolezza
Non dei media però.
buen video
each year since then it become worse!