I started taping the event when I noticed the light moving around and the ghost beginning chasing me around the house. The ghost made a strange noise on the wall and then appeared several times toward the end of the video tape. The supernatural is real and its here. Crazy scary paranormal stuff up in this house.
Maybe you should sage your house! I've had to do it to mine. Burn sage and pray to the Creator to remove it. My grandma who was native American taught me this
3:21 pretending to be statue
Angry yelling
??? holy crap that's her
Ya think
Nomames que pedo
0:08 Jim Carrey? 0:30 yoda?
What type of spirit is that
Pause at 3:26 ok when the ghost was standing there in the living room and she disappeared how did that door open?
ghost girl RAAAWR Me: eh ghost girl teleports next to me RAAAWWR Me: ehhh, maybe some other time Ghost girl awwww
Did I see a copy of Mein Kampf in your bookcase?
Did that girl died and did she become a ghost alive?
This real ghost
Haha ha
Image the girl was breakdancing
you should talk a lot less the vid would be watchable
That's fake
At the end Madeline made a song
Did anyone hear him laugh when the ghost was in front of him normal people would not do that
At the beginning he literally sounded like Matthew McConaughey! ???
Im watching these all over again, and didn't the recorder die in Tape 42?