From a scary video of a ghost seen on TikTok to a mysterious man filmed walking right through a locked gate, we look at scary videos no one can explain. #Scary #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/Channel_Subscribe
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8. عفريت على كوبرى سوهاج الجديد https://youtu.be/IG0fMqcY9tc
2 عفريت سوهاج https://youtu.be/L22fNZDxl7Q
7. a strange creature on web cam https://youtu.be/nhdVx9px5O8
6. Scary thing caught on CCTV… Multo o Aswang? https://youtu.be/I_SapJnksnw
5. Creepy Girl (Abandoned House) https://youtu.be/XZlCsDkrzX0
4. Rio Grande Valley Sasquatch Caught On Video Drinking Water https://youtu.be/D7_BBAAX9Jw
3. ghost girl crying https://youtu.be/5ytF0_8mcVQ
2. I thought I was home alone… did anyone see what I saw https://www.tiktok.com/@billygolf/video/6718960105653619973
1. Moving Meat https://www.facebook.com/muggsy1974/videos/2437027786347595/?t=0
Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
MORE HAM, PLEASE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z0-MoEfu4U&list=PLz9EdJARh8znMQFsAaMKvEFp0UGgNsI6r
The chicken one had some sort of robotic device inside, you can tell by how it moves, similar to a whirligig
There goes my dinner ????
The figures on the bridge could be suicide victim ghosts, or maybe some strange unidentified creature.
Can u plz go back to the original opening.. slapppeeddd haaaammmm! Not ur ugly mug. Thanks 🙂
You often say authorities are stumped and scientists baffled but really which authorities and scientists
Who is watching in 2020
I end every sentence with a question? I am a douchebag? Every phrase sounds the same?
As someone who's done butchering because I worked on a farm and lived on a farm and has dealt with dead bodies long story but I wanted to be a funeral director when I was growing up because I'm a strange person I guess and one of my friends owned a funeral parlor like one of those really big fancy Victorian houses that turned into a funeral home and I just love the house so much that I wanted to work there so I volunteered anyway what people don't realize about animals and humans are that muscle spasms after that are very very very common and usually what it is is oxygen gets trapped in the muscles and it's very often causes spasms it can happen years after death so sing a chicken that's raw like that dance like that or try to escape is it really what it looks like it's just oxygen trapped in the muscles and those muscles Contracting just like when you have a charley horse it's it's essentially the same concept it's just there's no head or brain that control the muscle spasms but it does happen it's very very very common you can have bowel movements like 3 hours after death so seeing a raw chicken move like that is not that unusual or abnormal it's not like it would baffle scientists it's actually very very common people have them all the time especially animals in fact if you cut off the head of a chicken specifically chickens they have so much muscle movement that they can literally run around and seem like they're alive for hours after death I mean literally running around it's the refrigeration process that typically stops this so my guess is this is something from a butcher and not something that's been frozen or something they killed themselves
I just wanna know wth did that girl think she was doing in the tick tok ad video? ???
A GREY was captured by five separate cameras at a paranormal investigation a few min into this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_nmPjNze5A
I just did what you should never, ever do…..watch scary videos at night just before going to bed! 🙁
That doll has been used in 2 or 3 other vids ! The crying ghost has been used in other vids to it,s a demon !
The guy who "went through the gate" just jumped at the side of the gate. The CCTV video is kind of lagging and ylu may thought that he went through the gate. And the video itself is debunked here in Manila because it was here in The Philippines all along. And the guy who is in the video, he stepped up and told everyone the truth.
Golem wants his ducking ring back
I made a meme out of the crying ghost in the hallway when it was standing up
Any filipinos here?
3:55 i-kmjs na yan! ?
Mexicans passing Trump's wall
I hope that raw meat isn't chicken, who thinks its a good idea to eat raw chicken..
Welp. It's true….monsters really do exist….
Elton clip looks like a gray visit
The last one didn't bother me, as I've seen a dish where, if soy sauce is poured over an octopus corpse, it will 'dance' in reaction to the salt. I'm guessing that's the same thing happening in the clip.
Who goes to a restaurant n orders raw meat? Like for realz… why would a plate of raw meat be on your table? They do that at Asian restaurants when it’s for “Hot Pot” n you cook your own meat but I didn’t see anything for that. Maybe the meat had parasites in it… like worms or something? Gross either way. ??♀️