Circus Lion Can’t Wait To Be Reunited With Her Cubs | This lion mom won’t stop crying out because her cubs were left at the circus when she was rescued — but these heroes are determined to reunite the family. Watch Dodo Heroes every Saturday @ 9pm EST on Animal Planet or stream ALL episodes, available on the Animal Planet GO app. #DodoHeroes https://bit.ly/2JltSWq
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The Lion King 3: Lion trouble
I hate that they have animals ya circuses it’s cruelty !! It needs to stop !!
People that work at the zoo shouldn’t even hire other people that are mean like that and that take away the animals babies??????????
Thought we were seeing the reunion vs a tease and commercial for Animal Planet. Warning! You have to subscribe to Animal Planet to see the reunion.
Trump does this to kid's at border and no one cares how ironic
Please banned circus and hunters, because people are just being so rude to animal
That's annoying I hate when video do that :-(.
A year has past,, am still cannot find the next info about kiara and her cubs.. Huuffftt,too bad,, i hope they were met eachother and happly ever after ..
Theres no more circuses in the U.S. but Mexico has about a hundred generally smaller ones. So multiply the problem from there.
What the heck…. where is the rest of the video!!!$
Shit….I forgot that I watched this already and commented about where the rest of the part is…..WTH…noooooooooo……where is the rest of the video?????
Hoping you all multiply more
True heroes
My wish, I could do the same thing
Dodo, pls share the link of the reunion. It was absolutely horrible to leave it there.
I can’t understand how people can do that to animals either, I just don’t get it, the lack of compassion and empathy
Beautiful act of kindness
It's a cruel act to keep these beasts behind bars, kill the animal abusers. Set these majestic animals Freeeeeeeeeeeee
One day i also want to contribute in this ….these lions deserve to live
Awwww they named the lioness Kiara like in the lion king
I’d like to take that whip and beat the sh*t out of anyone who thinks it’s okay to hit animals with whips, let’s see if they like it, circuses should be banned worldwide and anyone who support or go to circuses are complicit in animal abuse in my opinion
Caging animals shouldn't be happening in a so called civilized society.
NO NO NO!!!! Why upload it if it's cut short. ?????
WTF??? Where is the reunion?? This is a cliff-hanging ad for Animal Planet?? If this is what they have you guys doing now, stop the partnership. This is click bait and very misleading.
I unsubscribed.
Don’t ever tease like that again!!!!
Dodo, that was SHADY AF… thumbs down.
I used to want to go to the circus now I don't
I saw this post on Twitter that was about a circus using holograms of animals instead of real ones and I think that that's what all circuses should do from now on
Narla is that you
Waaaaaaaaat DODO NOOOOOOO dont leave us hanging like that
Wild animals should never be used in circus for human entertainment, they belong in the wild where they can live free. I’m glad the lioness and her cubs were rescued
you guys are being hella dramatic in the comment section lmao ??
Before raiding area 51 we should raid some circuses that have animals for experienced