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Double Fails (November 2017) | FailArmy
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About the Author: LØGAN
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I got mad respect for that fat mexican dude man ?
All them pussies that jumped that dude couldn't even get him on the ground…weak ass pussies. That dude would fuck every one of those weak ass pussies up ???? they look fucking retarded and weak LMFAO those fighting skills were so trash and I hope one of them sees these comments because they need a reality check. Life is gonna hit those broke ass bitches hard as fuck
Typical. Blacks always have to jump someone. They can’t ever fight head up
20 guys chasing and beating on a guy is f#cking embarrassing. Even with all of the sucker punches and blind sides, they still swing like young girls.
What is it with these niggas and they jumpin shit but call other dudes “pussy” ?
bruh call ma uncle bruh, bruh cal ma, bruh call ma, bruh call ma uncle bruh, bruh call ma, bruh call my uncle bruh, bruh, bruh call ma, bruh call ma uncle bruh, bruh call ma, bruh call ma uncle bruh, bruh call ma, bruh, bruh call ma uncle bruh..
I hate how people have to jump to win a fight??????
I love the savages calling the lone rider a "fkn b!tch" when they are the fkn B!tches? jumping that boy..what a bunch of cowwwwwards
21 was bull shit
Bruh that shit annoying if they like stop stop stop like omg stfu just let it happen
The guy in red rip
Don’t have your homeboys there makes y’all worldstar boys look weak asf
We wuz kangz and shit
1:33 caused a earthquake
You is a busta if you fighten som1 who isn’t startin shit
Its not bad to be Loyal it's not kalled jumpin it's kalled Loyalty Fam? Dats dey homeboys dey promised dey homie to always have dey bck? If I was to get jumped when ppl wasn't aroun I would respect it bc it's Loyalty dey jus doin what dey promised dey homie ???♂️ I'ma Forever stand on all 10 tho nokapp I got my ppl jus like ik dey got me? 1 on 1 ain't shii to me on Blood???♂️
#21 Is a gang initiation shit -_-
Idc if that nigga a goon I would steal try to beat that nigga he acting like a bitch
Dam if niggas tagged team me I'm run up on them and there family I shoot till I got no more in the clip I don't give a fuck
#12 was funny lol
Punk assed bitches jumping on people because they can't handle their own like real men do. Pussy motherfuckers.
It's not a hood fight unless there black
Dear black people, your community is broken.
All those bad ass thugs yet they have to jump someone to feel powerful. Every single one of those pussies who has to jump in and cant fight one on one are all cowards, pussies, punks and fagits.
how come they always jump in too think there though after the guy was just fighting some 1 else
Ain't that just like their race. If the person fighting can't win they all have to jump in. More like animals than humans. No respect, no honor, only thugs.
9:50 he'd have whooped me but I'm gonna be swaaanging
4:00 bruh?
Half the people using a camera can’t even fucking film
#26 all guys look like a drake wanna be
Wtf was #12
When niggas call you a pussy and they doin the jumping ??♂️
Niggas scared to do 1 on 1 these days
segregation now!
How gay.is #22. …4 on 1 fuckin really ????? All 4 bitches
Explanation on #21?? 11:45
"Aye my baby right there blood!" Lmao
Yeah that just makes you look weak
16:22 Casually beats tf outta dude then proceeds to walk off with 2 THOTS…well done ✅
That last video was sorry as fuk. Mexicans can not fight at all. They can make some good tacos But that's about it
8:57 what if that nigga’s uncle actually dead and he ain’t steal nothing ??
9:00 brush why u talkng to him when you tried to steal money and saying "rox call my uncle" its just pathetic
El tío de rojo es un poco pichon si ves que vienen muchos a por ti ol único que puedes hacer es correr o coger a uno y sacarle los ojos paracque los otros se asusten y cojan a su amigo para llevarlo al hospital pero lo que no puedes hacer es enfrentarte a todos así porque te van a dar como no sepas pelear así que ll mejor es que vayas a por uno yblo dejes casi muerto.si los otros son amigos de verdad dejarán de pelear y ayudaran a su amigo eso me paso a mi y asi me salvé porque le saque los dos ojos a unk de ellos y sus colegas en vez de ur a por mi se asustaron como te digo y se fueron a por su amigo.conclusion to estoy bien pero ese chaval le deje ciego de un ojo y el otro solo tiene un 3% de visión y a sus amigos dmse les Quito las ganas de ir mareando por la calle y les vieras las caras jaja ahora parecen animales mansos jajaja
You double crossing mud munchers
Why the fuck that guy got tag team beaten like wtf 11:00
I stg niggas don kno wha get yo ones mean
Slap boxes dont count as a fight
9:00 dat mans a baby dude literally dragged him he had multiple openings to at least get up brah dis aint world start its just pathetic
Is anyone else also dodging and weavin as they watching this