An elite police unit becomes trapped by a criminal’s thugs. The unit’s only option is to fight their way out.
An elite police unit becomes trapped by a criminal’s thugs. The unit’s only option is to fight their way out.
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Love it but then I love every movie Iko has made.
These 2 Movies are too good
u guys know this is Indonesian and I'm Indonesian so basically you can tell me anything Indonesian
Netflix Hulu or HBO ????
Cant nobody fuck with Iko Uwais
ughh soooo good. fuck ya.
That was by far one of the best films I've ever seen. The ending gave me chills. 10 out of 10.
Come on Garth Evens make the third one already
Please… please…. please make part 3! The world needs it
This movie is horrible!
I blame that Roger and Ebert guy and shaky cam.
The first movie is great and everyone had excellent impeccable form
Dude bad
Arifin Putra looks just like Brandon Lee rip
Is there a dub?
That last fight with the knife guy was beautiful beyond words!!!!!
this is just absolutely amazing. perfect action movie??
2:03:30 Time to obey the law!
Love 1 and 2 the best Sony ever dune yet
Wow this just goes to show how shitty American action films are. Never really thought about it until I saw this series and compared it to what we have now. Shakey cam and cgi
This was hands down THE greatest action movie I've seen in years if not my whole life. I can't properly emphasize how much I enjoyed watching this movie and its extraordinary action sequences.
Omg i love this movie, my fav franchise, still watch scenes of this and imma rewatch it at 2020
Do not understand what kindle fire HDX has against Google but I can't watch my movies or use Google apps unless I'm using a Google device.
Does anyone know if there are plans for an English dub?
Please anyone. would you share the link ? 🙂
can We get a 3 ???
best action/ martial arts film I have ever seen.. the fighting is fucking amazing! !! wow
how do I buy the HD version after already bying the regular version?
How do you pay to watch this
gruesome movie
to all the Clueless at Sony: "An elite police unit becomes trapped by a criminal's thugs. The unit's only option is to fight their way out." is the description of the Raid, not the Raid 2. In the Raid 2, the cop is undercover, as the trailer makes obvi. Shame on you…
Fuckin awesome movie