Halloween 2016 Scariest Video. Must see to believe! Spooky as can be!
Do you guys think this happened for REAL, or it’s FAKE?
Leave your thought below!
CCTV Security Camera captures Black Entity, possibly a Ghost or a Demon, attack man in a hallway. Bone chilling moment as the spirit pushes him to the ground and drags him down the hall by his leg, before letting it’s grip go and disappearing as fast as it appeared. The man then jumps up and runs for his life without even looking back.
What would you do if this would happen to you?
I love how people claim that the video is fake right away just because they think that ghosts are not real! Well, maybe the guy who was pushed down in the video and dragged half way down the hall didn’t think ghosts were real either until the encounter.
More and more of these kind of happening have been reported world wide. Maybe it’s a sign… or maybe we are being invaded by aliens or shadow people! Who knows!
Haunted House Scary Ghost Video. Ghost caught on tape. Demon Attack.
Here are some recommended videos you might enjoy:
Santa Claus Caught on Camera: https://youtu.be/WO1VX-jPiXQ
Seems suspicious to me cause he's wearing a hoody.
what country
Itu beneran …ky gunderuwo tinggi hitam jelek suka usil.
Photo shop
Definitely real, who knows how long that spiritual portal been open.
Looks more real, even if faked. Shadow people and ghosts do not cast reflections and light doesn't effect how dark or transparent they are.
If only ghost busters where there
See shadow devil 2 month ago just find it where location, so defeat shadow devil it's must died.
This a member of alan walker
I am a ? and believe me it's true… 😀
So Fucking Real
Pretty bloody convincing ?no well lit hallways for me anymore ?
Fake cgi
Thats vfx
Good quality ??
and where is a victim? is this the end of the story?
Tf whats wrong with this shadow
This footage is definitely real.
At 10 seconds you can see a dark mist in the hall way and as the person gets dragged away the mist gets clearly darker
I can see a black shadow…maybe the ghost was walking and he was out of the way….
100% Fake!Lol!????.
Walrider caught on camera?
Stupid you edited it
Just out of curiosity has anyone seen a white ghost like a white figure instead of a black ghost cause I seen a white figure shape as a human
Ghost need love 2
Communicating with ghosts, spirits or unseen beings can be dangerous, we can protect ourselves by chanting this mantra from Tibet 108 times: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. Learn more here bit{{dot}}ly/DSretreat
It's Real…why..
It's me…and no I didn't see a ghost nor was I scared…I noticed the CCTV camera as I walked down the stairs one late night in the basement of the hotel and I made it look good for the camera?…I went up the stairs for a bit looked at the area information pamphlets then walked down the same hallway and went to my room and went to bed…?…but I was freaked out because it did happen!!!!!!!
I thought it would have a jumpscare
yeah spooky and wow such a long video
That's obviously real do u see anyone there
When the dark mist is obviously photoshopped
Dispel the negative energies within your house or work place with the recitation of this very powerful mantra “Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha”. Chant x108 times or more. More info here: bit(dot)ly/DSretreat
Ghost is your soul dude believe
I know someone who I know is not lying that experienced something similar more than once. The first time she felt the thing coming at her, got pushed and slid a couple feet. The second time it went right through her. She felt anger (?) as it passed but it didn't affect her physically that time. Nothing was ever recorded, not trying to convince anyone of anything, but really experienced. She also used to see things as a child often and remembers being dragged kicking and screaming, then bad stuff, but her parents say it wasn't them. There's a whole lot more but this rang familiarity with the two experiences in adulthood.
Where was it filmed