They say cats have nine lives, but maybe these humans do too.
From the man who survived having 6 nails impaled in his brain, to the real Robinson Crusoe, AllTime10s brings you 10 people that cheated death.
What did you think of 10 People That Cheated Death? Let us know in the comments.
Watch 10 Famous People Who Escaped Death on 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBGK1zj6qAQ
Music = Fear Game by Gareth Johnson / Chris Bussey
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Hehe,imagine if I was magic and nothing could happen
, ?
Something is very very very wrong with me
Hmmm I've missed some gotta correct that now don't we?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I enjoyed the vid
And so did you
i like the old man survived all this horrible accidents then he got a good money it's his trufi
7. Been copied by bright side
Final destination 6 looks good
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats hurts
the thumbnail I-
I can remember the day like it was yesterday…mainly because it was. The weather was hot, so I did what I usually do on hot days, which is head to the pool. After spending time in the pool, I headed to the pools community shower to u knw, shower off. As I got in the shower and proceeded to rinse off, a strange feeling kept coming over me but I just couldn't figure out what it was I just knew something wasn't right. After getting out the shower, I proceeded to dry off, as I started to dry off my legs, I suddenly noticed something, something that was so horrific that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I, I showered, I showered in the community shower with no shower shoes ?. Life after that hasn't been easy, I've been struggling ever since, but as my therapist says, "itsa process". I'm just trying to live different now u knw?, Better. I'm learning to just, to just like, cherish every single moment of life. I got a second chance…I'll b damn if I fuck it up
Yeah that’s nothing I was once on one hunger bar in a cave and I was deep in and I didn’t know where to (I had diamonds) and I dug straight up about to die and I was near my house and I found my chest filled with food and ate? yeah you can call me Jesus now
I survived a chicken a attack…..
Not that's interesting
I’m a ghost boooooo ?
They must have a curse or will probably get isekai'd
On the last one hwo corn shr didn't use her reserve parachute???
I cheated death why?
I want to kill myself
That thumbnail scared me omfg.
TOP 1 million people tried to not look away
? why the title
Getting nailed huh
My father was a taxi driver and once a big ass truck rolled over the little sedan taxi
Lucky bastard took a little hit on the head xd
I don't have to worry about death I'm imortal and I master d fire element and can use it I can I kill Satan
No 10,attempted murder?
I thought getting nailed was when you have a big penis that shoots tadpolls up someone's vagizzle or anus
I got slapped in the face ba k and forth what yall taking abou????
I got this vid to 1M views
That thumbnail though
All these sound like something out of final destination
Like meh video if you blink threw this video
?? yes sorry what im doing to you guys heh LOL??? LOL