After living their entire lives in gestation and farrowing crates and being used in a “swine production” class at an Eastern U.S. university, these eight female pigs were finally rescued!
In the class, students raised more than 90 piglets born of the eight sows until they were sold for slaughter. The students were told to give them names that reflected their fate so that they wouldn’t become attached to them. One of the sows was named Baconator, and her piglets were named Mini Baconators. Others names included BLTina and Sloppy Joanne. The piglets were taken from their mothers, and the sows were destined for the slaughterhouse.
But one compassionate student contacted Helga Tacreiter of The Cow Sanctuary. Helga called PETA, and we worked with Hollywood producer and super-friend to animals Sam Simon to get these pigs off the truck to slaughter and into the good life on The Cow Sanctuary’s 77-acre property.
After a lifetime of cruel confinement, these pigs finally know freedom.
Learn more: LINK.
The Cow Sanctuary: http://www.thecowsanctuary.org/
Subscribe: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=officialpeta
The website the meat industry doesn’t want you to see: http://meat.org
How to go vegan: http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/
PETA Saves: http://features.peta.org/petasaves/
PETA: http://PETA.org
FAQs: http://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/
im not going vegan…. because I am 🙂
PETA, is animals hope, planet hope ?
I like bacon and I like every animal meat I have 10 chickens and I eat their eggs and every couple of months when I have a new chicken I eat one of the chickens
And I do the same for my pigs
I’m very upset because my family won’t let me go vegan because they said I need the strength in meat but I don’t like thinking we’re meat comes from.
Pigs are even more intelligent compared to dogs and i know i have a pet pig in my house they are such lovely animals, I always says don't just feel bad to dogs but also to pigs and cows, but then again i had been raised Vegan by my parents since my father is a Indonesian Buddhist and sometimes i do show this episode to meat eaters of the Walking Dead of the cannibals where ppl were harvested for meat let them feel and understand if it was them to being slaughtered for meat and how they will feel.
Buddha said to us not to kill but that doesn't only go for people but all living beings and that is of the first precept the Buddha said to us.
Buddha said eating meat destroys the attitude of great compassion.
Bless you. If we treated all animals with kindness imagine the peace we could bring to the world. Love for all .
Nice job, Helga! You're a passionate animal friend
Why be vagan again? Theres nothing wrong eating animals wtf
if anyone here ever gets a long prison sentence, you know what to do.
escape and shoot all these people. you don't have anything else to lose now that you're forever in prison.
Sad but I’m not going vegan
You are 100% right, pigs are not food! Nor is any other animal ??
Animals deserve a better life even though they're getting slaughtered.
i sved a pig
Thank you for saving them
I love vegan
?? Pigs are treated terribly, like products, like things.
Pigs are intelligent animals they are mammals and do not deserve to be bred in cages fed blood meal derived from morbid animals and fed their own carcasses just to increase their protein content. This is not live stock farming this is cruelty. It is inevitable that they eventually get diseased and develop deadly infections and die in misery. This unscrupulous business and cruelty must come to an end.
Every videos i watch of animals being tortured before killings are heartbreaking but videos of pigs are the worst because their screams are the loudest and when they scream and try to run is just the images that are hard to forget no im not saying other animals are not that pitiful as pigs but…. pig's screams just reminds me of human's. I have stopped eating the moment i first saw pigs being thrown into the gas chamber because i remember one time i digged myself into death when i found out dogs go into gas chamber as well to be killed off in shelters that are overcroweded and i had a suggestion list of pigs being thrown into gas chamber as well and their screams suddenly turning into silent was horrendous. So ive stopped with pork and slowly will stop with eggs and chicken. Fuck.
I'm not vegan but i don't eat pork. It tastes disgusting and has lots of fat and cholesterol.
Peta no more meat on my table.
28 year vegetarian good news jbs beef tolleson as made 56 people sick with tainted meat close down jbs and ALL slaughter houses
This lady has such a beautiful soul
To the 82 dislikes I'm sorry but hell is real for the disgusting cruel people
Poor Pigs..
Yay can i help? I'm only 11.. Though i couldddddd… Idkkkk I wanna work as a doctor when I'm older, I'm also considering saving animals from the slaughterhouse too though, I feel so saaaaaad :c
Great job
As much as it's horrible to see the conditions they had to live in before, it's wonderful to see how happy they are now. I'm as good as vegan (apart from honey), and it breaks my heart to know what is done to these poor helpless animals.
Aww. I'm glad they were rescued! It reminds me of the movie okja
Awwww I'm so glad you saved those pigs
They are soooo cuteeeeee
lots of love! ❤️
Thank you! pigs are not food.Tofu and mock meats are!.Pigs are beautiful beings who are just like dogs.Check out Esther the wonder pig.She's a famous miss with her own book out!
I'm not vegan, but when I get older I really want to rescue animals!
Look how happy they are.
Well done.
I'm going vegan
Oh bless you guys! Keep up the amazing work !!!
I'm never gonna eat bacon again. I'm actually thinking about going vegan. I've been too scared to tell my parents,I don't want them to yell at me. What should you think I should do?
Omg this is so amazing and beautiful god bless you
Omg so cute 🙂
Good thing I don't eat pigs.