The Top 5 SCARIEST videos of ghosts caught on camera! *Warning: Some very scary video and possible jumpscares.
In these scary videos, you’ll see everything from an alleged ghost hitchhiker on a dark road in Malaysia, a shadow person / shadow being that haunts a man’s home, one of the scariest poltergeists ever in an allegedly haunted house being chased by a ghost hunter, a creepy ghost girl apparition overlooking a high school graduation ceremony, and a mom whose daughter can seemingly communicate with the ghost of her grandmother.
You can watch the original “ghost hitchhiker” video on Woi Yin Yung’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSBOULqnz_c
If you enjoyed this Nuke’s Top 5 list, you might also like 5 Scary Ghost Videos To Give You NIGHTMARES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adcAbAJtElc
5 Scary Things Caught On Camera In The Woods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTWk2RSfQ6I
The last clip of the video, the miss ghost here would be called Miss K aka Kuntilanak. She is one of two popular ghost in my country bcs her scary appearance aside Mr. P
The arab dude is a fucking legend. I wish I was half as brave as he is
That Arabian guy has some balls of steel
4:41 my man turned into the arab version of Michael Jackson
Arab guy: Bismillah!
Ghost(s): No, we will not let you go!
Arab guy: Bismillah!
Ghost(s): We will not let you go!
Arab guy: Let me go!
Ghost(s): Will not let you go!
Arab guy: Let me go!
Ghost(s): No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!
Sorry couldn't resist! Lol
Y’all are talking about the Arab guy while I’m in awe for the ghost Maine guy (the second one). “soN oF A BitCh” ?? I really hate his room because of that shadow, when that shadow was in the window and went to the bed, it got me shook ( a different video, but this one scares me as well)
So, school ghost just want to graduate too. That nice.
#2 lol
Carmel Maine is Godamn Freeky!!!
The ghost probably just thinks they are roommate's. the ghost just thinks hes a good scarier because he scares the guy a lot
Edit: its a tiny theroy of the ghost of carmel mane (i think thats how you spell it), i forgot to mention it
The grandma one look at the kids eyes when she says it first time,shes reading it from the computer screen
I am friends with Kent from ghosts of carmal main ANd that house is no fucking joke I kid you not
Every Muslim knows that the biesmiellah guy should have recited ayatul kurs ??
When that girl says "mommy your grandma's here she says hi" her eyes gave me the chills so baddd
Lol the one with the kid is cute and scary, I would hope that the mum didn’t just stage that shit but something gives me a feeling it’s possible.
Fakes Fakes Fakes…alkes verarsche
The arab guy is really brave
Grandma story gave me goosebumps for real. Mothers reaction scared me.
I was in there two in the Philippines one its kinda scary that i didn't notice it
You need to do a top 5 for Ghosts of Carmel Maine, all of his sightings seem legit.
The Middle East always seems to be way more haunted than anywhere else
the white lady ghoust her name is the llorona omg la llorona
#5 might have been just a guy crossing the road walking somewhere or from someplace. And to not get hit by a moving car, decides to stand still in a safe area, and instead of motionlessly standing there, increasing his chance of not being seen, he moves his arm to increase his viability. As for why he looks misty/see though, its probably just poor video quality
Nukes' son: I think I have the flu, I feel really sick.
Nuke: or is it all just an elaborate hoax?
That little girl looks coached not gonna lie
Arabs have balls, I must admit.
Dear God!!!!
That mother and daughter video…. OMG I'm freaked out. The mother's reaction to what the daughter said looks/feels/seems very very FREAKIN' authentic…
Goosebumps formed on my arms and chills just ran down my spine…..
Gonna repeat the scene a few more times lol. :'(
We need more of that Arab guy. Straight up savage
The "But" sound in the second clip sounds like a low wet fart
The top 5 of the video is a hoax it's just a confetti
That second one got me good, holy shit
I love your videos keep it up. Just because science says no, it does not mean no. Science is awesome and explains so much, but when it comes to stuff that it can't explain, it just poops all over it, Nope sciences says no proof so it doesn't exist. I believe in science and would ask for people to find the science to explain all of it. It's not fiction til you can scientifically disprove it. History has taught us, what we can't understand will be explained with future science.
Well that Muslim guy had lots of guts kicking the doors in chasing the demon around the house to prove nobody was in the room, he was head on with it. That's what I would like to do go demon hunting and spray one with holy water.
I need to watch These Saudi Arabian ghost hunters they are no joke ??? “ water is cursed I’m going in.” ???
What's the background music for the last clip of the video??? Anyone have a link?
Oh no! There's… something on the roof… some… thing!
At 4:42 that guy lost his sht lol!
At 9:15 you see a black figure running past the doors up the top of video 2/3rds to the right.
I am a christian and I respect this arab guy…he has balls of steel….
That shadow figure was probably fake. I mean, how could anyone live in a house with something like that popping up so frequently? But then again, if it is real, that means this guy just captured the best evidence of shadow people in history. But something tells me that its fake. And plus, that dude's reaction is so awkward.
*See's shadow figure
"Son of a bitch!!!"
That reaction is more like something you'd do when you stub your toe. lol
The guy who screamed son of a bitch…that video was creepy and yet funny af.
The 3rd one seems like a hoax. Someone was in there doing all of that and then hid in the ceiling. That can’t be real
I don't know if you noticed but in the video by alaa you can see something dash away from behind a doorway.
'Keep calm and Bismillah'
That dude caught a whole ghost career in five mins