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About the Author: Get Wrekt


  1. Dam why will you fight in the park with kids you dummies and is always one loose and it ands up shooting the other in front of kids stupid everyone in there really

  2. that doesn't deserve respect two grown idiots fighting on a playground with kids present nothing but chumps no respect and can't even throw a straight punch

  3. Every african american community infested with gang violence need a Organized Boxing League where Crips, Bloods, Gangsta Disciples etc.. each Gang Club make it Mandatory for each person Fight out their differences when an individual start any beef talking. If ya get your ass beat shake his hand move tha Fuck on. Talk shit again bring yo ass back again. Get that ass tore again shake hands with respect move on. At the end of the Day always keep the CODE. UNITE Ethnically to protect the Your People Politically, and Enforce our Interests towards our youth and everyone outside of our PEOPLE

  4. You can always see when one is naturally stronger and the other has no answer …they just keep backing away…he stood his grown but you can see the power level is different ..skills are not much

  5. Give it your all until one of you falls what my dad told me once u get them down dont let them get back up take them to boot school

  6. 2 grown ass men swinging with full strength on each other in the kids playground with kids around watching. No one grabs the kids to get them out of harms way but damn sure they got their cell phones out to record. #grownupgoals

  7. 101 square up you win some you lose some everybody's over it after the the fight respect. kids these days mostly are too weak I can't handle their pride hurt

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